

Department For Education

September 26
11:47 2024

Code Description
M Male
F Female
U Unknown (for use when, for example, the question has not been asked or for unborn children)


DfE extended codes Approved extended categories DfE main code Sub-category Main category Comments
WBRI White - British WBRI White - British White You cannot use WBRI if you have used codes WCOR - WWEL.
WCOR White - Cornish WBRI White - British White
WENG White - English WBRI White - British White
WNIR White Northern Irish WBRI White - British White
WSCO White - Scottish WBRI White - British White
WWEL White - Welsh WBRI White - British White
WOWB Other White British WBRI White - British White If you have used codes WCOR - WWEL, you must use WOWB for all other pupils within the main any other ethnic group category. If you use WOWB, you cannot use WBRI.
WIRI White - Irish WIRI White White
WIRT Irish Traveller WIRT White White
WOTH Any other white background WOTH Any other white background White You cannot use WOTH if you have used codes WALB - WWEU.
WALB Albanian WOTH Any other white background White
WBOS Bosnian-Herzegovinian WOTH Any other white background White
WCRO Croatian WOTH Any other white background White
WGRE Greek/Greek Cypriot WOTH Any other white background White If you do not wish to distinguish between pupils of Greek and Greek Cypriot, use this code. You cannot use WGRE if you have used either WGRK or WGRC.
WGRK Greek WOTH Any other white background White You can only use this code with WGRC.
WGRC Greek Cypriot WOTH Any other white background White You can only use this code with WGRK.
WITA Italian WOTH Any other white background White
WKOS Kosovan WOTH Any other white background White
WPOR Portuguese WOTH Any other white background White
WSER Serbian WOTH Any other white background White
WTUR Turkish/Turkish Cypriot WOTH Any other white background White If you do not wish to distinguish between pupils of Turkish and Turkish Cypriot heritage, use this code. You cannot use WTUR if you have used either WTUK or WTUC.
WTUK Turkish WOTH Any other white background White You can only use this code with WTUC.
WTUC Turkish Cypriot WOTH Any other white background White You can only use this code with WTUK.
WEUR White European WOTH Any other white background White If you do not collect information on white european pupils on the basis of country of origin or East/West European, use this code.
WEEU White Eastern European WOTH Any other white background White Including Russian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Lithuanian, Montenegrin and Romanian.
WWEU White Western European WOTH Any other white background White Including Italian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Scandinavian.
WOTW White other WOTH Any other white background White If you have used codes WALB - WWEU, you must use WOTW for all other pupils within the main any other white background category. If you use WOTW, you cannot use WOTH.
WROM Gypsy/Roma WROM Gypsy/Roma White Use this code for pupils who identify themselves as Gypsies, Romanies, Travellers, Traditional Travellers, Romanichals, Romanichal Gypsies Welsh Gypsies/Kaale, Scottish Travellers / Gypsies, and or Roma. It should not include fairground (showmans) children; the children travelling with circuses; or the children of New Travellers or Bargees unless their ethnic status is that which is mentioned above. Use this code if you are not using WROG or WROR.
WROG Gypsy WROM Gypsy/Roma White This code enables the separate identification of Gypsy pupils. This includes all children of a Gypsy ethnic background, irrespective of whether they are nomadic, semi-nomadic or living in static accommodation.
WROR Roma WROM Gypsy/Roma White This code identifies the separate identification of Roma pupils.
WROO Other Gypsy/Roma WROM Gypsy/Roma White Use this code for Gypsy/Roma pupils who do not identify with one or the other of the above groups - pupils with mixed Gypsy/Roma heritage.
MWBC White and Black Caribbean MWBC White and Black Caribbean Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
MWBA White and Black African MWBA White and Black African Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
MWAS White and Asian MWAS White and Asian Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups You cannot use MWAS if you have used codes MWAP - MWAI.
MWAP White and Pakistani MWAS White and Asian Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
MWAI White and Indian MWAS White and Asian Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
MWAO White and any other Asian background MWAS White and Asian Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups If you have used codes MWAP - MWAI, you must use MWAO for all other Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups pupils wi

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