
Guidance: Veterans News and Communications Hub

Ministry Of Defence

September 19
12:30 2024

This collaborative project is delivered by Defence Relationship Management and Cobseo (The Confederation of Service Charities). The Hub enables forces-friendly organisations across all sectors to showcase the continued value of the UKs highly-skilled veteran community.

Latest news

Veterans Work: a call to veterans and forces-friendly employers

Deloitte is carrying out a survey as part of their Veterans Work initiative. Deloitte is part of a group of organisations including the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) and the Forces Employment Charity (FEC).

Veterans Work has informed employers about the importance of hiring veterans since their first research report in 2016. Much has changed over the last 8 years, but the fact veterans are such an asset to employers remains a constant. This research will continue to educate employers and policy makers about the huge asset veterans are to UK plc.

Fill out the Veterans Work survey

Armed Forces Pensions: Pension Awareness webinar - 15 October

Forces Pension Society logo.

The Forces Pension Society is an independent, not-for-profit, membership-funded organisation that acts as a pension watchdog for the entire armed forces community.

Hosted by the Forces Employment Charity, the webinar will cover:

  • topical pension-related issues to help become more pension aware
  • the latest information about AFPS 15 Remedy (McCloud) and how it might affect serving, transitioning or recently retired service people
  • the pension choices serving personnel have when planning for their second career
  • changes to the pension taxation rules (Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance)
  • how theForces Pension Societycan help you make the right pension decisions now and in the future

The webinar is for Service leavers and veterans.

Register for the Pension Awareness webinar

Support for veterans and their families - OVA directory

The Office for Veterans AffairsandMinistry of Defence have launched Support for veterans and their families, replacing Veterans Gateway.

Find help including support with physical and mental health, finance, employment, housing, social care and more.

2024 Armed Forces Covenant in the Community Conference

The event will take place onWednesday 23and Thursday 24OctoberatWinchester University.

The conference theme this year isCovenant Throughout. Focusing on all aspects of a service persons life from new recruit to career to post-service life and families. There will be arangeof keynote speakers and breakout sessions.

Access the Armed Forces Covenant site for more information.

What is a veteran?

Veterans are defined as anyone who has served for at least one day in His Majestys Armed Forces (Regular or Reserve) or Merchant Mariners who have seen duty on legally defined military operations. There are currently 2.4 million veterans in Great Britain.

There are 2.4 million veterans in Great Britain. 40% of veterans are 16-64 years old. The percentage of working age veterans is set to increase to 44% by 2028. 60% of veterans are over 65. 75% of veterans own their home or have a mortgage. It is estimated that 3% to 6% of those sleeping rough have served in the Armed Forces. 75% are healthy, 17% have fair health and 8% have bad health. Want to learn more? Tune in to our being forces friendly podcast.

Listen to our team of veterans talk about their experiences: transitioning from the UK Armed Forces and what the word veteran means to them.

You can find and listen to all of our Being Forces Friendly podcast episodes on Anchor.

Share your story: what does the word veteran mean to you? Use the hashtag #ProudToBeAVeteran on the platforms below:

Veterans employment

An employers guide to hiring veterans

An employers guide to hiring veterans graphic (Office for Veterans' Affairs).

The employers guide to hiring veterans (published by the OVA) was launched by the Rt Hon Johnny Mercer, former Minister For Veteran Affairs at the Federation of Small Businesses HQ in London.

The guide provides support to organisations that seek guidance and best practices for the employment, retention, and career development of veterans. Case studies from existing organisations are included, providing tips and lived experiences.

Read the employers guide to hiring veterans.

Career Transition Partnership

Career Transition Partnership logo.

The Career Transition Partnership (CTP) is a partnering agreement between the Ministry of Defence and Right Management Ltd, who are global career development and outplacement specialists and part of the ManpowerGroup. CTP provides resettlement services for those leaving the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and Marines. Regardless of time served, all members of the Armed Forces can benefit from CTP support when leaving Service. In addition, they operate as an intermediary service for employers wishing to hire Service leavers.

To date, they have assisted over 235,000 Service leavers with the transition to civilian life and supported thousands of organisations looking to employ ex-Service personnel.

Find out how CTP can help your organisation harness military talent.

CTP employment fairs connect employers with skilled and experienced individuals who have un-paralleled transferable skills in planning, communication, teamwork and leadership, along with adaptability, drive and resilience.

Career Transition Partnership leaflet (PDF, 95.2 KB, 1 page)

The Reed Group

Reed logo.

The Reed Group has recently been awarded the Gold Employer Recognition Scheme Award.

The Reed Group has created an internal Armed Forces Veterans and Reservists Group (AFVR), a Group-wide community for Armed Forces/ex-Armed Forces staff to connect.

The AFVR Groups benefits include:

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