Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

On 16 November 2017, the YJB published its business plan for 2017-18. This plan reflects changes to the YJBs functions which were effective from 1 September 2017.
The plan includes some of the achievements and challenges for the youth justice system. Achievements include the substantial fall in the number of children in the youth justice system. Challenges include reducing reoffending rates, the disproportionately high number of children from black and some ethnic minority backgrounds and looked-after children.
The plan sets out what the YJB is doing in 2017-18 which includes a list of business activities. The YJBs work with the government on its youth justice reforms is a major part of this activity. This means that as well as its planned business activities, the YJB is reviewing how it carries out its functions. This is to ensure that it operates most effectively to meet the needs of children in todays youth justice system.
Next year the YJB will publish a new strategic plan along with its annual business plan.