
Cabinet Office

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Guidance: Procurement Act 2023 guidance documents Define phase

These documents are intended to provide technical guidance and help with interpretation and understanding of the Procurement Act 2023.

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Guidance: Procurement Act 2023 guidance documents Procure phase

These documents are intended to provide technical guidance and help with interpretation and understanding of the Procurement Act 2023

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Guidance: GCS Mailing Lists for Public Sector Communications Professionals privacy notice

This notice sets out how we will use your personal data, and your rights.

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Transparency data: Cabinet Office: Government Procurement Card spend over £500

This data provides details on Government Procurement Card spend over £500 for Cabinet Office.

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Transparency data: Cabinet Office: spend data over £25,000

This data provides details of Cabinet Office spend over £25,000 since 1 April 2010.

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Decision: Acquisition of Sepura Ltd by Epiris LLP: notice of final order

Notice of final order relating to the acquisition of Sepura Ltd by Epiris LLP.

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Official Statistics: Cabinet Office statistics: standards and policies

Cabinet Office official statistics are governed by the standards set out by the UK Statistics Authority in their code of practice.

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Official Statistics: FOI Statistics: supporting documents

Freedom of Information statistics are governed by the standards set out by the UK Statistics Authority in their code of practice.

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Accredited official statistics: Freedom of Information statistics: January to March 2024

This page gives Freedom of Information statistics for central government bodies from January to March 2024.

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Guidance: Privacy notice for Cabinet Office digital advertising

How the Cabinet Office collects and uses personal information when you opt-in to marketing cookies on government websites.

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Transparency data: Government non executives

A full list of non-executives in each government department.

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Transparency data: Privacy Notice for GCS Connect

This notice sets out how we will use your personal data, and your rights in connection to GCS Connect

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Transparency data: Privacy Notice: GCS Locations Mailing List

This notice sets out how we will use your personal data, and your rights in connection to the mailing lists for GCS' Locations strategy

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Transparency data: Privacy Notice: Connecting Diverse Voices

This notice sets out how we will use your personal data, and your rights in connection to the GCS mutual mentoring programme, Connecting Diverse Voices

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Transparency data: Cabinet Office workforce management data 2023 to 2024

These monthly reports provide staff numbers and costs for the Cabinet Office.

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Guidance: Privacy Notice for the GCS Fillers Marketing service

This notice explains how the GCS Fillers Marketing service will use your personal data, and what your rights are.

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Guidance: Local resilience forums: contact details

Contact details for local resilience forums in the UK, and information about what they do.

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Guidance: Local resilience forums: contact details

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Contact details for local resilience forums in the UK, and information about what they do.

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Transparency data: Cabinet Office: spend control data for January to March 2024

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Centrally approved new spending on advertising, commercial, technology, property and contingent labour.

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Decision: Joint venture between the University of Liverpool and Pinggao Group Ltd to establish the Pinggao Liverpool European Institute for Advanced Energy Technology: notice of Final Order

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Notice of Final Order relating to the joint venture between the University of Liverpool and Pinggao Group Ltd to establish the Pinggao-Liverpool European Institute for Advanced Energy Technology

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Guidance: Evaluation Registry FAQs

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This page provides answers to frequently asked questions for the Evaluation Registry

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Guidance: Guidance on using the Evaluation Registry

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This page provide guidance for Civil Servants using the Evaluation Registry

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Guidance: Security guidance for elections

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This guidance provides detailed advice on good election security practice. If you are an election candidate, please visit the Candidate Security Guidance Collection linked at the top of this page to find the specific information you need on protective, cyber and information security.

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Transparency data: Infected Blood Inquiry Response Expert Group Terms of Reference

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The Minister for the Cabinet Office has published the Terms of Reference of the Infected Blood Inquiry Response Expert Group

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Guidance: Appeal your rejected domain name application

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Follow these steps to appeal a domain name application that has been rejected.

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Guidance: Apply for your domain name

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Follow these steps to apply for a domain name.

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Press release: Alan Bates, top business executives and leading innovators honoured for King’s Birthday

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List of endorsed recipients includes current and former leaders of FTSE 100 companies

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Press release: Change makers and innovators recognised in HM The King's Birthday 2024 Honours list

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HM The King's Birthday Honours List 2024 recognises selfless and innovative service to others from people across the UK.

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Transparency data: The King's Birthday Honours List 2024

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The King's Birthday Honours mark the extraordinary contributions and service of people across the UK.

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Guidance: Check if your organisation can get a domain name

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Find out if your organisation is eligible for a domain name and what to do if it’s not.

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Guidance: Make changes to your domain name

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How to modify and transfer your domain name.

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Guidance: Keeping your domain name secure

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A domain name is an important asset and is not protected by default. Follow these recommendations to keep your domain secure.

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Guidance: Choose a Approved Registrar

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Find out what a Approved Registrar does, how to choose one and information about pricing.

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Guidance: Civil Service staff networks

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Our networks offer help and support to civil servants and raise awareness of some of the barriers faced by our underrepresented groups.

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Guidance: Critical 5: Shared Narrative on Critical National Infrastructure

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The Critical 5 Shared Narrative sets out how C5 nations are modernising their approach to CNI security and resilience in a collaborative and cooperative way.

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Form: National Security and Investment notification service: mandatory, voluntary and retrospective forms

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These forms contain the questions you'll be asked when letting the government know about an acquisition via the National Security and Investment notification service.

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Form: National Security and Investment notification service: mandatory, voluntary and retrospective forms

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These forms contain the questions you'll be asked when letting the government know about an acquisition via the National Security and Investment notification service.

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Guidance: Security guidance for elections

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This collection of guidance provides advice on good election security practice for candidates, political staff and local authority staff.

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Guidance: Public sector procurement

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Information for public authorities, businesses and other organisations on public procurement policy.

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Form: National Security and Investment notification service: mandatory, voluntary and retrospective forms

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These forms contain the questions you'll be asked when letting the government know about an acquisition via the National Security and Investment notification service.

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Form: National Security and Investment notification service: mandatory, voluntary and retrospective forms

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These forms contain the questions you'll be asked when letting the government know about an acquisition via the National Security and Investment notification service.

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Transparency data: Cabinet Office: Government Procurement Card spend over £500

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This data provides details on Government Procurement Card spend over £500 for Cabinet Office.

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Transparency data: Cabinet Office: spend data over £25,000

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This data provides details of Cabinet Office spend over £25,000 since 1 April 2010.

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Transparency data: Civil Service headquarters occupancy data

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The average number of staff working in Civil Service headquarter buildings (weekly and monthly).

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Guidance: Public appointments

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What is a public appointment and how to apply for one.

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Cabinet Office

The Cabinet Office supports the Prime Minister and ensure the effective running of government. They are also the corporate headquarters for government, in partnership with HM Treasury, and take the lead in certain critical policy areas.


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