Accelerated Access Review

We are looking for innovative ideas and solutions, and we want to involve as many people and groups as possible so we can explore the answers together.
You will be able to get involved in the review in a number of ways.
Early in the summer we will crowdsource ideas and views from patients, research organisations, clinicians and other stakeholders on the big questions the review is considering through our website.
We are also inviting anyone with an interest to join virtual working groups for each of the big questions we are looking at. These groups may be invited to take part in online discussions, twitter chats or attend events and workshops.
The groups will be looking at the following areas:
establishing need, priorities and principles for innovation how can we find a transparent way for innovators to make sure that innovation is based on patient need, and that industry, the NHS, research charities and academia collaborate to understand and respond to patient need?
new development pathways how can we make sure that the existing safety and efficacy process is more efficient and simple, while maintaining safeguards for patients, and that there is a clear and quicker way to have access to particularly innovative products?
affordable national funding models to drive innovation how can we integrate and speed up national reimbursement processes, and fund clinically and cost-effective innovation across the pathway?
local adoption and diffusion how can we speed up how clinically and cost effective innovative products are commissioned by the local NHS, and reach patients?
If you would like to get involved, email, stating which area you are most interested in.
Later in the summer we will hold national events to help create emerging solutions. Attendees will be drawn from the virtual working groups, who will join the Expert Advisory Group and others to look at how to speed up and improve the pathways for pharmaceuticals, medical technology and digital health so that patients can access innovative care and products faster.