Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards

The 2017 Clinical Excellence Awards round will open on Tuesday 28 February and will close at 5:00pm on Tuesday 25 April. During this time, ACCEA will accept applications for new national awards and for some national award renewals.
You will need to put in a renewal application if:
- you received your current award in the 2013 round
- your award was last renewed in 2012 (awarded in 2008, 2003, 1998)
In some cases, consultants will be renewing out of the usual cycle. Awards are reviewed earlier if there is a change in job, or a significant change in job plan.
It is your responsibility to apply for renewal at the correct time. You can check whether your award is due to be renewed by logging-in to your account. Dates for your renewal round can be found in award details.
Please check that your contact details are up-to-date on our online system to make sure you receive reminder e-mails about your renewal and other communications from ACCEA.
We will publish the refreshed application guidance to the ACCEA website ahead of the round opening - there are no significant changes from the previous version.