Advisory Council On The Misuse Of Drugs
Completing the questionnaire
Although your expertise may be better suited to only a subset of the following questions, it would be helpful if you could consider every question in the questionnaire.
Where possible, please provide supporting evidence and references in your response. The ACMD considers a wide range of evidence as part of its advice, including published literature, statistics, data from UK organisations and expert and stakeholder opinions.
How we will use your information
Respondents should note that evidence submitted will inform the development of recommendations from the ACMD and could ultimately be published. However, in the interest of confidentiality and protecting commercial interests, any information submitted will be non-attributable.
All data submitted in response to this call for evidence will be protected by the ACMD Secretariat in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). Furthermore, Section 43(1) of the Freedom of Information Act provides an exemption for information which is a trade secret, whilst Section 43(2) exempts information whose disclosure would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (an individual, a company, the public authority itself or any other legal entity).