Animal Plant Health Agency
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Allow extra time for APHA to process your movement licence application over the Christmas period.Read the deadlines for bluetongue laboratory services during the Christmas period.
When you need to apply for a licence
Certain movements are not permitted in a bluetongue zone or from premises which have been served a bluetongue premises or individual animal restriction notice. Some may now be permitted by a general licence, or you may apply for a specific licence.
You may need to:
- download and comply with the conditions of a general licence where applicable
- apply for a specific licence for movement
General licences
Please check carefully that the bluetongue general licence applies to you before making a movement and always download the latest version as they are updated from time to time. A copy should accompany any animals moved under the general licence.
General licence | What it is for |
For movements of animals kept within a restricted zone (RZ), protection zone (PZ) or surveillance zone (SZ) to a designated slaughterhouse in England or Wales, for the purpose of immediate slaughter. | |
For movements of animals to a slaughterhouse located in a temporary control zone (TCZ) in England for the purpose of immediate slaughter. | |
For movements of animals to a designated slaughterhouse in England for the purposes of immediate slaughter. | |
For movements of susceptible animals between premises which are wholly or partly inside a temporary control zone (TCZ) in England. | |
For movements of susceptible animals from a free area into a temporary control zone (TCZ). |
Apply for a specific licence
Allow at least 5 days for your licence application to be processed where possible. Complex and high-risk movements will need extra time to process.
Make contingency plans to allow for the time it takes to be issued. Consider what steps you will need to take if the licence is refused or cannot be issued in time.
If a specific licence is issued, it will allow a movement that is subject to certain conditions based on disease control risk.
References to animals means ruminants (for example cattle, sheep, goats, deer and other ruminants) and camelids (for example llamas and alpacas)
Premises that have any land within the restricted zone or straddle the boundary are classified as being within the zone.
Take precautions when moving animals. Check your stock for possible signs of disease and spray the inside of vehicles with an insecticide approved for use against flying insects prior to loading. Only move animals when it is absolutely necessary.
Holdings which are in aRestricted Zone
You can download and use
for movements of animals kept within a restricted zone (RZ), protection zone (PZ) or surveillance zone (SZ) to a designated slaughterhouse in England or Wales, for the purpose of immediate slaughter.You do not need a licence to move from premises in a restricted zone to a slaughterhouse located in the same restricted zoneand as such a slaughterhouse located in a restricted zone does not need to be designated.
General licences do not apply if your premises is under a bluetongue restriction notice. If you have been served a bluetongue premises or individual animal restriction notice and wish to move animals, you can apply for a specific licence.
The declaration of the bluetongue restricted zone (RZ) also imposed a bluetongue Infected Area which applies to the same geographical area as the RZ which restricts the movement of animals on and off premises and in or out of the Infected Area. This licenceEXD612(E) (GL) is published to overcome legal restrictions that would otherwise prevent movement of animals. This does not remove any obligations to comply with BTV movement restrictions and licences and does not permit the movement of animals out of a RZ.
For all other animal movements, including moves to live to premises outside the restricted zone, you must apply for a specific licence. At this time, you cannot move animals to a market outside the zone (except to slaughter markets or breeding markets) and cannot move animals purchased at a market inside the zone to destinations outside the zone. We are keeping this under review.
If you need to move germinal products from susceptible animals out of the zone, or you wish to freeze germinal products in the zone, you must obtain a specific licence. If you operate a germinal product collection centre you may apply to be designated.
Holdings which are in aTCZ (but not under bluetongue premises restrictions)
You can download and use