Animal Plant Health Agency
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Imports of most animals and animal products are covered by UK legislation. Check the import information notes to find out if your import is covered.
If your import has an import information note, you must follow the conditions in the note.
If your import does not have an import information note you may need a general licence or authorisation.
You can use an existing general licence or authorisation to import:
If a general licence or authorisation for what you want to import does not exist, contact the APHA imports team.
Genetic material
Licences for semen, ova and embryos from:
- livestock
- canines
- felines
- rodents
- lagomorphs (hares, rabbits and pikas)
- equines
These are for products entering England from:
- the Channel Islands
- Northern Ireland
- Isle of Man
- countries outside the EU
Live animals
Licences and authorisations for:
- domestic and non-domestic livestock (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats)
- poultry, birds and equidae (horses, ponies, donkeys)
- insects
These are for animals entering England from:
- the Channel Islands
- Northern Ireland
- Isle of Man
- non-EU countries
Captive or pet birds
- , and amendment notice