Animal Plant Health Agency
This page provides details on particular issues or changes that importers and exporters may need to be aware of.
You can view all of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defras) guidance and forms for:
Defras animal disease monitoring collection covers major, notifiable or new and emerging animal disease outbreaks internationally and in the UK.
Peste des petits ruminants in Romania
Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) has temporarily suspended the import of the following sheep and goat commodities from Romania:
- live animals
- germplasm
- raw milk and milk products
This is due to an outbreak of peste des petits ruminants that was confirmed on 19 July 2024.
For more information, read the live ungulates, ovine and caprine ova and embryos, ovine and caprine semen, and milk and milk products lists of?EU?andEFTAcountries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain.
We will publish safeguard declarations for restrictions on fresh or chilled skins and hides on 25 July 2024. These restrictions will take effect from 26 July 2024.
Peste des petits ruminants in Greece
Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) has temporarily suspended the import from Greece of raw milk and raw dairy products derived from sheep and goats. This is due to anoutbreakof peste des petits ruminants in Greece that was confirmed on 11 July 2024.
The import of these products is suspended whilst the extent of thediseaseoutbreakis being understood.
Read the milk and milk products list of?EU?and?EFTA?countries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain for more information.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) import restrictions: Australia?
The import of the following ratite products is suspended from Australia to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) for consignments produced on or after 22 May 2024:
- fresh ratite meat
- breeding and productive ratites
- day-old ratites
- hatching eggs of ratites
An outbreak of HPAI was confirmed in a commercial layer poultry farm in Victoria, Australia, on 22 May 2024. The suspension of affected commodities will remain in place until the UK recognises Australia as disease free for HPAI.
Read the Poultry and poultry products list of non-EU countries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain for more information about affected commodities.
African swine fever (ASF) import restrictions: Montenegro
From 23 January 2024, the heat treatment applied to the import of domestic and wild pig meat products from Montenegro into Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) has changed.
The heat treatment category for domestic porcine, farmed cloven-hoofed game (swine) and wild swine has changed from D (minimum temperature of 70C) to C (minimum temperature 80C).
An outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) was confirmed in wild boar in Montenegro on 14 January 2024. These measures will remain in place until Montenegro is recognised by the UKas disease free for ASF.
Read the meat products list of non-EU countries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain for more information about affected commodities.
Bluetongue virus (BTV) in Europe
The bluetongue guidance covers the latest situation and advice on measures to protect against the disease.
There are mandatory requirements for imports from certain European countries to Great Britain of:
- BTV susceptible ruminants including cattle, sheep, goats and cervids (deer)
- germinal products (semen, ova and embryos) of cattle, sheep and goats
If you are moving susceptible ruminants and ruminant germinal products, contact the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) about the requirements.
Read APHAs imports of live animals and genetic material importer information notes for further information.
Import requirements
Imports of live ruminants from all BTV-affected countries must comply with supplementary guarantee A. This relates to certain vaccination requirements for?BTV which are outlined in the relevant health certificates.
There is currently no vaccination available for BTV serotype 3 (BTV-3). Check the certification requirements before attempting to export live ruminants from BTV-3 affected countries to Great Britain.
Ruminant germinal products imported from all BTV-affected countries must comply with the BTV testing requirements outlined in the relevant health certificates.
Read the live ungulates list of EU and EFTA countries approved to export animals and animal products to Great Britain.
Lifting of reinforced controls for beef, poultry meat and meat products from Brazil
The UK has lifted reinforced controls for consignments of beef, poultry meat and meat products and preparations exported from Brazil to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales). This follows an audit of Brazils sanitary and phytosanitary controls.
For consignments of beef, poultry meat, and products and preparations from Brazil, exports to Great Britain do not need:
- enhanced pre-export and post-import testing for salmonella
- the additional attestation attached to health certificates confirming salmonella sampling, methods of analysis used, and results
The default level of import checks now applies in accordance with retained Commission Implementing Regulation 2019/2129.
Brazil can re-list certain poultry and beef establishments for export to Great Britain, as set out in the list of establishments approved to export animals and animal products.
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