30 October 2020: updated outbreak assessment for Bluetongue virus in west Europe PDF, 438 KB, 5 pages 19 October 2020: updated outbreak assessment for bluetongue virus in Europe PDF, 470 KB, 5 pages 5 August 2020: updated outbreak assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-4) in North Macedonia PDF, 729 KB, 3 pages 22 July 2020: preliminary outbreak assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-4) in North Macedonia PDF, 303 KB, 4 pages 16 July 2019: updated outbreak assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-8) in Germany and Belgium PDF, 1.48 MB, 6 pages 29 March 2019: updated outbreak assessment for bluetongue virus (BTV-8) in Germany and Belgium PDF, 545 KB, 5 pages 21 January 20 View the original news story
PDF, 438 KB, 5 pages
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PDF, 729 KB, 3 pages
PDF, 303 KB, 4 pages
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