British Hallmarking Council

The Hallmarking Awareness and Learning Online (HALO) will be open to retailers in the UK. Application forms will be published shortly.
The UK hallmark is one of the UK jewellery industrys best defences against unfair competition. The award, which is launched in conjunction with the release of a new, digitally appropriate, Dealers Notice, encourages all retailers to review their online hallmarking information, raise the profile of hallmarks and introduce appropriate information through their online space.
The Award will be presented to the retailer who has run the most effective online initiative relating to the display of the new format Dealers Notice and education surrounding UK hallmarking.
The winner will be presented with an engraved silver plate which they can keep for one year. In addition, the winner and those whose work is highly commended, will be presented with a set of digital assets to promote their success across all retail channels and social media.
Applications close: 16 September