
Guidance: National Fraud Initiative: public-sector data specifications

Cabinet Office

July 19
14:05 2024

Please note that data should:

Before submitting data, you must read the guidance provided on how to upload data and the pre-upload checks you should carry out to ensure you are providing the best possible data.

Read more about uploading data to the NFI.

Changes for the 2024 to 2025 exercise

The NFI reviews data specifications before each exercise. Although changes have been kept to a minimum, some are necessary to improve the matching process and the quality of matches.

Trade creditors data specifications

Trade creditors standing data should:

  • be a snapshot of trade creditors current at the date of extraction
  • exclude dormant or suspended creditors
  • cover the period given in the data specification

Personal budgets and social care payments data specification

Data should:

  • relate to personal budget payments paid as direct payments (for the mandatory exercise) or social care payments (if matching this data voluntarily) to those applicants over 18 years of age only
  • include only current recipients
  • have one single record for each recipient

Pensions data specification

Data should be uploaded in 3 separate files:

  • current pensioners (those currently receiving a pension)
  • pensioners currently receiving a pension gratuity (if applicable)
  • deferred pensioners not currently in payment (optional)

Please note any pensions currently in payment should be included in the current pensioners file.

Payroll data specification

Payroll data should be provided in accordance with this data specification.

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