Civil Aviation Authority
TheCivil Aviation Authority (CAA)review was led by an independent lead reviewer, Jeremy Newman, who was supported by a challenge panel and a team ofDepartment for Transport (DfT)officials.
The review concluded that theCAAfulfils a critical role as theUKs aviation safety regulator. It recommends protecting theCAAs status as a public corporation.
The review identified areas where improvements should be made:
- governance CAAs accountability to DfT, and how DfTexercises its role as the sponsoring department
- accountability CAAs relationship with its stakeholders (including consumers and freight)
- efficiency improving CAAs financial efficiency and service delivery
- efficacy the role of CAAs Board, consumer powers, risk appetite for new and emerging technologies and economic regulation
DfTministers and theCAAs board endorsed the reviews 24 recommendations in May 2023.
The review met with and consulted extensively with a wide range of stakeholders. Its conclusions were also informed by the 444 responses to its call for evidence from organisations and individuals regulated by or impacted by theCAA. The review also interviewed officials from both DfTandthe CAA.
Read theCall for evidence report.
The review was part of the Cabinet OfficesPublic Body review programme.