Civil Nuclear Constabulary

It has been awarded the industry-recognised Menopause Friendly Accreditation by Henpicked: Menopause In The Workplace. This is a mark of excellence and required the CNC to demonstrate to a highly qualified independent judging panel that we offer the right support in our organisation. This is a huge achievement and the organisation is thrilled that its efforts are now recognised.
To gain accreditation, the CNCs Menopause Action Group (MAG) led the charge on actions including seeking advice from outside agencies Henpicked and Oxford Menopause, embedding menopause expert Dr Katie Barber in the organisation, establishing support groups and ensuring line managers were supported so they could better assist their employees. They have now helped to implement menopause sickness codes, a menopause guide, drop-in sessions and more.
Assistant Chief Constable Louise Harrison said: The menopause is a natural and inevitable stage of every womans life and will affect everyone differently. As an inclusive employer it is vital that we recognise the need to support women during this time and ensure we have processes in place to do so.
Achieving accreditation is an important acknowledgement of the work our MAG have done across the organisation to ensure women are supported throughout this important transition.
Debi Roper/Ellen Greenwood, chairs of the Menopause Action Group, said: We are absolutely overjoyed that all the work that we have put in place has been recognised. The Menopause Friendly Accreditation is a huge achievement which we are extremely proud to have been a part of. However, it doesnt end here and we will continue to work to provide support to all our colleagues and keep trying to improve on what has already been set up.
The Menopause Friendly Accreditation recognises high standards and proven practices that embrace menopause in the workplace and the CNC is to be congratulated for achieving it, says Deborah Garlick, CEO and founder of Henpicked: Menopause In the Workplace.
This is the only accreditation that sets clear standards which must be met and, as such, is truly meaningful. Im delighted to hear that the CNC plans to build on their achievement to bring in new plans and further support for its staff, whether they are themselves working through menopause or supporting collea