Civil Nuclear Police Authority

The Chairman of the Civil Nuclear Police Authority (CNPA), Sir Philip Trousdell, welcomes a new Authority member, Mark Neate, who joined the Authority as an Industry Representative member (Sellafield Ltd) on 7 April 2016, replacing George Beveridge.
Mark Neate is currently Director, Security and Resilience and a member of Sellafield Ltd Executive. His portfolio incorporates resilience, emergency management and Information Security. He is the client for significant associated improvement programmes that will deliver physical and cultural improvements, including capabilities such as a Main Site Command Facility, an Off Site Command Facility, and technologies that will enhance shared situational awareness.
Mark joined Sellafield Ltd in February 2012. Prior to that he enjoyed a long and diverse military career - from Parachute School to a Masters Degree in Military Strategy. He has spent considerable time abroad as a specialist adviser - most recently working with senior officers in the US Army.
Sir Phillip Trousdell said: I am delighted to welcome Mark to the Civil Nuclear Police Authority. His military career established over many years and his experience in the nuclear industry over the past four years will contribute greatly to the Authority.