
Decision: Company Names Tribunal decision: Virgin Roofing Ltd Limited

Company Names Tribunal

July 5
13:31 2024

Application number 4558

Applicant Virgin Enterprises Limited objected to the name used by Virgin Roofing Ltd Limited under the Companies Act 2006.

This decision was undefended. Undefended refers to decisions where there has been no defence in response to the application to the Company Names Tribunal.

Signed order

On the 2 July 2024 the adjudicator hereby gives notice under sections 73(4) and (5) of the Companies Act 2006 that the company name of Virgin Roofing Ltd Limited is changed to SC782064 Ltd.

Published 21 May 2024
Last updated 5 July 2024 +show all updates
  1. Signed order SC782064 added.

  2. First published.

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