
Unit pricing

Competition Markets Authority

January 31
10:02 2023

Administration timetable

Date Action
31 January 2023 Case opened

Case information

31 January 2023: The CMA is undertaking a project focused on the use of unit pricing both in-store and online in the groceries sector. Unit pricing is a labelling system for displaying the cost of different products by reference to standard units of weight or volume intended to assist consumers in comparing the relative costs of different products regardless of their packaged size.

Press Notice: CMA launches grocery unit pricing review to help shoppers spot the best value for their money

This work follows the 2015 Groceries Super-complaint where the CMA previously concluded that complexities and inconsistencies with unit pricing may adversely affect consumers ability to make meaningful choices between products.

In the context of the rising cost of living, and the importance of helping consumers make informed choices when shopping for food and other essential products, as well as recent concerns raised by stakeholders about unit pricing practices, the CMA is revisiting this issue.

The project will consider:

  • if the unit pricing issues identified during the 2015 Super-complaint persist
  • compliance with the law by retailers
  • consumer awareness and use of unit pricing information

The project is at an early stage and the CMA has not formed a view on these issues. We will provide an update on our work later in 2023.


Media contact

Any media enquiries should be directed to a member of our Press Office,

Assistant Project DirectorDebbie Kitcher-Jones,

Project DirectorLouise Strong,

Senior Responsible OfficerGeorge Lusty,

Published 31 January 2023

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