Council For Science Technology

Today, on 14th March 2023, the Prime Ministers Council for Science and Technology (CST) and the Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) met in Washington, D.C. to discuss shared priorities for science and technology. This meeting follows a commitment in the U.S.-UK Leaders Joint Statement published in June 2021 calling for closer coordination between CST and PCAST to combine expertise on global challenges.
CST and PCAST are the UK and US governments top level independent advisory bodies on strategic science and technology issues. They provide advice directly to the Prime Minister and President.
CST and PCAST discussed the role of science and technology in responding to global challenges (including climate change, pandemics, and antimicrobial resistance), and the potential for the United Kingdom and United States to deepen cooperation around emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence.
Following the discussion, CST and PCAST released a joint statement addressed to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and President Joe Biden, outlining shared views on priority issues for science and technology and areas for future collaboration between both councils.