Defence Infrastructure Organisation

The Barracks, which is currently the home of 5 Regiment Royal Artillery and 32 Regiment Royal Engineers, requires additional infrastructure to prepare for the arrival of 21 Regiment Royal Engineers by 2027.
Upgrades, being delivered under the Defence Estate Optimisation (DEO) Army Programme, will see nine new facilities built alongside refurbishments to existing buildings. The new or upgraded infrastructure includes Single Living Accommodation, sporting facilities including multi-use game areas and a gym, and storage facilities.
Robin Hartley, DIOs Deputy Head of Major Programmes & Projects (Army), said:
The award of this contract is the start of a major programme of upgrades for Marne Barracks, which will see some real improvements to the site in preparation for the arrival of new units. We look forward to working closely as a team with Morgan Sindall and the Army to ensure the success of the programme.
Belinda Lunn, Defence Estate Optimisation (DEO) Army Programme Director, said:
Catterick is an important garrison for the British Army and I am delighted that the Marne Barracks project has reached this significant milestone. This is an excellent example of the investment underway across the DEO Army Programme, to deliver new and improved infrastructure that will benefit service personnel, support Army capability and enhance the Defence estate.
Andy Hall, Director of Morgan Sindalls Yorkshire and North East business, said:
Our Armed Forces give one hundred percent dedication year-round and are committed to the service and protection of our country. To be one of the contractors named by the DEO to support them through applying our expertise is a great honour.
Survey work is already underway with enabling works expected to start at the end of next year, followed by the start of construction in summer 2025.
The DEO Army Programme makes up the largest share of the 5.1 billion DEO Portfolio which is focused on delivering a better structured, modern and more sustainable estate that more effectively supports military capability and aims to enhance the lived experience of our military personnel.
At the heart of DEOs vision is a significant construction and refurbishment programme for both single living and service family accommodation as well as a range of operational, educational and technical facilities which s