Defence Infrastructure Organisation
The provision of good quality homes for Service personnel and their families is an important priority for the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) manages around 49,000 homes in the UK on behalf of the MOD and is also responsible for planning for future requirements and targeted improvement programmes.
DIO operates four Regional Accommodation Maintenance Services (RAMS) contracts which provide statutory and mandatory checks, repair and maintenance services and the preparation of allocated homes for Service families. Amey Community Ltd manage the Northern and Central regions and VIVO cover the South East and South West.
On behalf ofDIO, Pinnacle Group Ltd operate our UK National Service Centre through the National Accommodation Management Services (NAMS) contract. This provides a single point of contact for requests from families living in Service Family Accommodation (SFA) including raising repairs and maintenance issues, the allocations of homes and conducting move-in and move-out appointments. Contact details can be found on the Pinnacle Service Families website. Pinnacle also provide DIO with consolidated management information, which DIO uses to manage the four regional contracts directly.

Service Family Accommodation in Buckinghamshire (MOD/Crown Copyright).
The Customer Service Charter
is DIOs commitment to Service personnel and their families to provide decent living standards and excellent customer service. We are committed to improving the condition and standard of the Service Family Accommodation (SFA) estate; sustaining improved levels of maintenance and repair performance; and enhancing customer service.Latest news for SFA residents
Update 2 May
Included in this issue of Families First:
- a message from DIO Head of Accommodation, Air Commodore Leah Griffin
- DIO SFA townhall sessions
- summer move-ins
- UK SFA Customer Satisfaction Surveys
Update 7 March
A Safety Recall has been issued by Ideal regarding theHeating Logic 2 gas combi & system boiler range. There are around 2,500 Logic 2 boiler type installed in Service family homes across the UK.
Families are still able to use the boilers, however, Ideal is advising that families repressurise their boiler and ensure they register their details for an upgrade. Instructions on how to do this are on Ideals website:
Ideal has designed a retrofit kit for the impacted boilers to be installed. It is expected that the roll out for this equipment will take between 4 to 8 weeks, with the estimated time to install the retrofit kit being 30 minutes.
Ideal will be directly contacting families to undertake warranty repairs in line with the recall notice. There is no action for families to take, however, should you have any questions please call Ideal free of charge on 0808 175 9173.
Update 1 March
Included in this issue of Families First:
- HCDC: a message from DIO Chief Executive Mike Green
- Modernised Accommodation Offer update
- IDEAL boiler safety notice
- useful links
Update 13 February
Included in this issue of Families First:
- winter performance update
- investment across the SFA estate
- Annington Homes External Estate Valuations
- have your say on Families First
- key dates to note and useful links
Update 12 January 2024
Cold weather alert
A cold weather alert has been issued for parts of the UK next week, with colder temperatures expected and the potential for snow. DIO and our suppliers have provisions in place to ensure we are prepared to provide the right level of support for families.
There are also steps families can take if they are experiencing issues with their boiler or heating during the colder weather. Please check out Pinnacles boiler and heating guide for more information.
If families are still having problems with their boiler or heating system, please contact Pinnacle National Call Centre on 0800 031 8628.
Update 14 December
Included in this issue of Families First:
- a message from Phil Riley
- Christmas Service Update for Families
- investment across the SFA estate
- tell us what you think of the Families First Newsletter
- key dates to note and useful links
Update 29 November
Included in this issue of Families First:
- DIOs support to the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP)
- TechSee using remote technology to help resolve faults
- investment across the SFA estate
- key dates to note
- useful links