
Corporate report: National Citizen Service Trust Annual Business Plan 2024 to 2025

Department For Culture Media Sport

May 24
10:22 2024

On behalf of the government, the NCS Trust delivers a youth programme that offers a range of experiences across England, focused on those on the cusp of adulthood. It aims to ensure that young people have both the maturity and open mindedness to reflect on their lives and the world around them whilst being open to change, new ideas and people. Offering an important intervention at this critical time in their lives, NCS helps young people to grow their strengths and realise their potential to become exactly who they want to be through boosting their confidence, getting involved in social action, making new friends from different backgrounds, and learning new skills to become world and work ready and young national citizens.

The Trust is incorporated by Royal Charter pursuant to the National Citizen Service Act (2017) and is governed by a diverse board of trustees. The NCS programme is almost entirely funded by the government, through the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), and the responsibility for commissioning and overseeing the delivery of the NCS programme belongs to the Trust. The Trust is the only dedicated public body for youth and works closely with the government to shape their ambitions for young people.

It is a legal obligation of the Trust to publish an annual business plan in line with a series of regulations, setting out the NCS Trusts strategic priorities and main activities for the year.

Published 24 May 2024

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