
Official Statistics: DCMS Economic Estimates: Monthly GVA (to Mar 2024)

Department For Culture Media Sport

May 15
08:30 2024

Headline findings

All level estimates in this release are presented in 2022 prices.

DCMS sectors (excluding tourism)

In March 2024, these early estimates show that GVA by DCMS sectors increased at a slower rate than the UK as a whole. GVA of the included DCMS sectors increased by around 0.1% compared to February 2024, while the UK as a whole is estimated to have increased by 0.4%.

Looking at the quarter as a whole, in the three months to March 2024, GVA for the included DCMS sectors is estimated to have grown by 0.3% compared with the three months to December 2023, compared to the UK economy as a whole which is estimated to have grown by 0.6%.

Since February 2020 (pre-pandemic), included DCMS sector GVA has grown at a faster rate than the UK as a whole at a 7% increase compared to 3% for the UK economy, though trends vary by sector.


15 May 2024

About this release

The DCMS Sector total reported here includes civil society, creative industries, cultural sector, gambling and sport. Tourism is not included as the data is not yet available (see note in data table).

Monthly estimates

These Economic Estimates are Official Statistics, used to provide an estimate of the economic contribution of DCMS sectors, in terms of gross value added (GVA), for the period January 2019 to March 2024. This current release contains new figures for January to March 2024.

Estimates are in chained volume measures (i.e. have been adjusted for inflation), at 2022 prices, and are seasonally adjusted. These latest monthly estimates should only be used to illustrate general trends, not used as definitive figures.

You can use these estimates to:

  • Look at relative indicative changes in GVA over time for DCMS sectors and subsectors

You should not use these estimates to:

  • Quantify GVA for a specific month
  • Measure absolute change in GVA over time
  • Determine findings for sectors that are defined using more detailed industrial classes (due to the data sources only being available at broader industry levels)

Data sources and technical information

The estimates are calculated based on published ONS data sources including the Index of Services and Index of Production.

These data sources provide an estimate of the monthly change in GVA for all UK industries. However, the data is only available for broader industry groups, whereas DCMS sectors are defined at a more detailed industrial level. For example, GVA for cultural education (a sub-sector of the cultural sector within the DCMS sectors) is estimated based on the trend for all education. Sectors such as cultural education may have been affected differently by COVID-19 compared to education in general. These estimates are also based on the composition of the economy in 2019. Overall, this means the accuracy of monthly GVA for DCMS sectors is likely to be lower for months in 2020 and 2021.

Thetechnical guidancecontains further information about data sources, methodology, and the validation and accuracy of these estimates. The latest version of this guidance was published in November 2023.


These statistics cover the contributions of the following sectors to the UK economy.

DCMS Sectors:

  • civil society
  • creative industries
  • cultural sector
  • gambling
  • sport

Users should note that there is overlap between DCMS sector definitions and that several cultural sector industries are simultaneously creative industries.

Timely estimates of tourism GVA are not available at present, due to a lack of suitable data.

Feedback and consultation

We aim to continuously improve the quality of estimates and better meet user needs. We welcome feedback on this release. Feedback should be sent via email

Office for Statistics Regulation .

Our statistical practice is regulated by the OSR. OSR sets the standards of trustworthiness, quality and value in theCode of Practice for Statisticsthat all producers of official statistics should adhere to.

You are welcome to contact us directly with any comments about how we meet these standards by Alternatively, you can contact OSR by emailing or via theOSR website.

Pre-release access

The accompanying pre-release access document lists ministers and officials who have received privileged early access to this release. In line with best practice, the list has been kept to a minimum and those given access for briefing purposes had a maximum of 24 hours.


Responsible statistician: Rachel Moyce

For any queries or feedback, please

Published 15 May 2024

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