
Official Statistics: Total Income of DCMS-funded cultural organisations 2021/2022

Department For Culture Media Sport

March 8
09:30 2023




The Department for Culture, Media and Sport grants funding to the 15 sponsored museums and other cultural organisations through Grant-in-Aid. This report presents the total income generated by the DCMS-funded cultural organisations through charitable giving (fundraising income), Grant-in-Aid and other forms of income.

The cultural organisations included in this years report are: Arts Council England and their National Portfolio Organisations, British Film Institute, British Library, Historic England, and the 15 sponsored museums and galleries.


8th March 2023

Period Covered

April 2021 to March 2022

Next update

Late 2023/early 2024

Geographic coverage


Pre-release access

The pre-release access document contains a list of ministers and officials who have received privileged early access to this release of Total Income of DCMS-funded cultural organisations. In line with best practice, the list has been kept to a minimum and those given access for briefing purposes had a maximum of 24 hours.

This release is published in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics (2018) produced by the UK Statistics Authority (UKSA). The UKSA has the overall objective of promoting and safeguarding the production and publication of official statistics that serve the public good. It monitors and reports on all official statistics, and promotes good practice in this area.

The responsible statistician for this release is Kamila Verikaite

For any queries please contact the Statistics team at

Published 8 March 2023

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