The college has undertaken a considerable amount of capital development over the last 15 years, including the Advanced Engineering Centre, Construction Innovation Skills Centre, National College for Nuclear and an accommodation block. It therefore has well-organised arrangements for overseeing major capital projects.
It operates a permanent sub-committee of the Finance Committee which oversees large estates projects. This is the Building Projects Committee, which contains two governors, the principal and several college officers. One of the governors holds a professional specialism in estates and building projects. This committee was set up to allow dedicated governor oversight of major capital projects. The committee was therefore already in place and functioning well to oversee progress of the project and recommend decisions to the Finance Committee and the main board.
Accommodation strategy
The college produces an accommodation strategy every three years, but it is flexed in response to emerging skills priorities and available grant funding. As part of this regular development of the accommodation strategy, the college also invests in the development of several project plans which are ready to implement quickly, which would deliver elements of the strategy and are ready for initiation if funding becomes available.
The major fire, and subsequent disaster recovery processes presented an interesting challenge to the existing accommodation strategy. There had been no plan to redevelop the building which was destroyed, but the necessity to redevelop the site presented an opportunity to redesign parts of the site and reconfigure the strategy.
Client requirements and project brief
As with previous capital projects, the project required substantial input from the curriculum and end users to ensure the design was fit for purpose. It was key that the end users understood what was required from them and the importance of working within deadlines.
Respective roles for colleges, property advisers and the design team
As the project was funded from an insurance claim, the colleges insurers took charge of managing the tender and appointment of key contractors.
The insurers appointed loss adjusters who managed the relationship on behalf of insurers throughout, while the college appointed project managers who took control of the project from the colleges side. Although the ultimate responsibility for tender and cost control rested with the insurers, college staff had input into both the pre-tender specification and the ongoing design development after tender was awarded.
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