
Data items

Department For Education

May 3
10:08 2024

Most of the data items collected in the early years census, a provider should already be keeping up to date as part of normal business processes.

The early years census collects 2 sets of data:

  • establishment level which relates to the early education provider
  • pupil and child level which relates to the individual child taking up free early education

Establishment characteristics

Local authority number

The local authority 3-digit code identifies a particular local authority. The local authority number represents the one that is responsible for funding children within the setting. It relates to the geographical area within which the provider is situated.

This is also important for agency-registered childminders as a childminder agency may operate across a number of local authorities with childminders based in different local authorities.

The census return is to be sent to the local authority that funds the childminder (which will be the local authority in which the childminder operates). It is vital that this is correct as errors may affect the calculation of the local authority dedicated school grant and the recording of take-up figures at local authority level.

Establishment unique reference number

The local authority issued unique reference number (URN) for the early years provider must be used by all providers and Ofsted or agency registered childminders submitting a census return direct to the local authority. The URN must fall in the range 500000 to 799999.

Local authorities must allocate a URN for each return submitted by a childminder agency on behalf of their childminders before submitting data.

DfE allocate a range of URNs to each local authority for their own use. Submit a service request form if you would like to know the URN range for your local authority.

Ofsted EY unique reference number

The Ofsted unique reference number for the early years provider is a 6 or 7 digit number prefixed by EY.

Ofsted will also provide the reference number for childminder agencies. Childminders registered with childminder agencies will not have an Ofsted EY URN.

Check the correct number has been returned as the Ofsted URN is used to match to Ofsted inspection rating data.

Individual settings should have both a local authority EY number and an Ofsted number. However, where a childminder or childcare on domestic premises setting is registered with a childminder agency, the local authority will need to issue a local authority EY number to each childminder before they submit a return. See the childminders section for more information. The authority should approach the childminder agency to check that a childminder is registered with them.

Governor-run or provision which is run or managed by an academy or academy trust is inspected as part of the whole school inspection, so for this type of provision return the schools or academys Ofsted URN to allow matching to the schools or academys inspection rating.

Establishment name

The early years provider establishment name in full.

Telephone number

The main early years provider telephone number including area code, which is used for official purposes.


The code allocated by the post office for the establishment address.

Category of EY provider

Identifies the category of provision such as private or voluntary.

A private or voluntary provider who is delivering childcare on behalf of a childrens centre should be recorded as a Sure Start Childrens Centre.

Find a category of EY provider code.

EY provider category other

Identifies the category of provision where the category is not one of the named values.

Accompanying textbox only applicable where category of EY provider equals OTHR.

Childminder provider category

The childminder provider category is completed by providers with a category of CHMD (childminder).

Code Description
AGY Registered with a CMA
IND Registered with Ofsted

Type of EY setting

Identifies the type of provider, where category of EY provider is PRIV or VOLY. Other providers do not need to complete this and should leave it blank.

Find a code to identify the type of EY setting.

EY setting type other

Identifies the type of setting where the early years setting is not one of the named values in the codeset.

Accompanying textbox only applicable where type of EY setting equals OTH.

EY day care

Identifies whether full day (6 hours a day or more) or sessional (less than 6 hours) care is provided.

Only applicable where category of EY provider is PRIV or VOLY. Other providers do not need to complete this and should leave it blank.

Find an EY day care code.

EY day care other

Identifies the type of day care where the care provided is not one of the named values.

Accompanying textbox only applicable where type of day care equals O. Other providers do not need to complete this and should leave it blank.

Maintained school relationship

Indicates whether or not an early years provider is working with a state-funded school (local authority maintained, academy or free school) through a contract or partnership agreement.

This should include all partnership working between a provider or childminder and a school including situations where the partners are based on a different site.

Other establishment partnership

Indicates whether or not a provider is working with another provider through a contract or partnership agreement. It should include all partnership working between providers and includes situations where providers are based on different sites.

EY weeks open

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