Department For Education
The importance of meeting the standard
Schools and colleges should provide a safe environment to learn and work, including when online. Filtering and monitoring are both important parts of safeguarding pupils and staff from potentially harmful and inappropriate online material.?
Clear roles, responsibilities and strategies are vital for delivering and maintaining effective filtering and monitoring systems. Its important that the right people are working together and using their professional expertise to make informed decisions.
How to meet the standard
Governing bodies and proprietors have overall strategic responsibility for filtering and monitoring and need assurance that the standards are being met.?
To do this, they should identify and assign:?
- a member of the senior leadership team and a governor, to be responsible for ensuring these standards are met
- the roles and responsibilities of staff and third parties, for example, external service providers?
We are aware that there may not be full-time staff for each of these roles and responsibility may lie as part of a wider role within the school, college, or trust. However, it must be clear who is responsible and it must be possible to make prompt changes to your provision.
Technical requirements to meet the standard??
The senior leadership team are responsible for:
- procuring filtering and monitoring systems
- documenting decisions on what is blocked or allowed and why
- reviewing the effectiveness of your provision
- overseeing reports
They are also responsible for making sure that all staff:?
- understand their role
- are appropriately trained?
- follow policies, processes and procedures
- act on reports and concerns
Senior leaders should work closely with governors or proprietors, the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and IT service providers in all aspects of filtering and monitoring. Your IT service provider may be a staff technician or an external service provider.?
Day to day management of filtering and monitoring systems requires the specialist knowledge of both safeguarding and IT staff to be effective. The DSL should work closely together with IT service providers to meet the needs of your setting. You may need to ask filtering or monitoring providers for system specific training and support.
The DSL should take lead responsibility for safeguarding and online safety, which could include overseeing and acting on:
- filtering and monitoring reports
- safeguarding concerns
- checks to filtering and monitoring systems
The IT service provider should have technical responsibility for:
- maintaining filtering and monitoring systems
- providing filtering and monitoring reports
- completing actions following concerns or checks to systems
The IT service provider should work with the senior leadership team and DSL to:
- procure systems
- identify risk
- carry out reviews?
- carry out checks
When to meet the standard?
You should already be meeting this standard.? ?