
Guidance: Children looked after return 2023 to 2024: technical specifications

Department For Education

October 6
13:31 2023


This is technical information about submitting and validating data for the children looked after data return (also known as SSDA903) for the year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

It is for:

  • suppliers creating management information software (MIS) for local authorities
  • users of local authority MIS software

The information includes:

  • a summary of the data items we collect in the return
  • an explanation of formats for submitting the data
  • a list of validation checks applied to the data return

A guide for local authorities, with detailed explanations of what information to include for each data item, is also available.

Published 11 October 2022
Last updated 6 October 2023 +show all updates
  1. Updated the 'Children looked after return 2023 to 2024: validation rules'. The changes are detailed in the version history.

  2. 'Children looked after return 2023 to 2024: technical specifications' and 'Children looked after return 2023 to 2024: validation rules' have been updated. The changes are detailed in the version history of each document.

  3. First published.

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