Department For Education
The details provided include the start dates, end dates or duration of appointments, their time commitment and remuneration, and any political activity and other interests declared by appointees.
A public appointment is generally a ministerial appointment to the board of a public body or advisory committee. The appointments and reappointments listed are made by the Secretary of State for Education, unless stated otherwise.
Public bodies across the UK deliver important and essential public services. This includes large public bodies overseen by boards of directors, and small advisory committees made up of lay members, experts and specialists.
An appointee to the board of a public body will often be involved in:
- providing direction and leadership this includes setting the organisations strategy, agreeing business plans to deliver the strategy and recruiting key staff
- holding senior staff to account this includes holding managers to account on how the body is managed, its business plans are delivered and its budget is spent
- representing the work and views of the body this might be to ministers, parliamentarians, key stakeholders and the wider public
Those appointed to advisory bodies provide independent expert advice to government departments and ministers on specific issues.
A public appointment could give you a chance to:
- give something back and contribute your expertise to help the community and influence decisions that affect everyones lives
- return from a career break
- meet people from all walks of life who also want to make a difference
- develop your career, gain board experience and improve your skills
Public appointments are made in accordance with the Cabinet Office Governance Code for Public Appointments. Regulation is carried out by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the decision-making process.
For further information on non-executive appointments, email
The Department for Educations public bodies include:
- Adoption Special Guardianship Leadership Board
- Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel
- Childrens Commissioner for England
- Construction Industry Training Board
- Engineering Construction Industry Training Board
- Film Industry Training Board
- Further Education Commissioners Office
- His Majestys Chief Inspector of Education, Childrens Services and Skills
- Independent Assessors for Student Finance, Appeals and Complaints
- Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
- LocatEd
- Office for Standards in Education, Childrens Services and Skills
- Office for Students
- Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation
- School Teachers Review Body
- Social Mobility Commission
- Social Work England
- Student Loans Company Ltd