
How to get funding approval

Department For Education

May 17
08:30 2024

This section explains the 9 stages of the funding approval process. There is also an overview of the funding approval process.

This section, and the previous section on which qualifications we will approve, give information which was previously in sections on the funding approval process.

This section contains information relevant to multiple cycles of the post-16 reforms.

Stage 1: awarding organisation identifies areas of interest to receive communications (new for cycle 2)

The Department for Education (DfE) contacted awarding organisations in November 2023 to:

  • understand which qualification types in scope of cycle 2 you are interested in
  • make sure you receive information about these qualifications

Stage 2: awarding organisation registers and submits qualification proposals

The window to register your qualification proposals has now closed for cycles 1 and 2.

Cycle 1 registrations

The window to inform us of your intention to submit qualifications as part of cycle 1 closed for:

  • level 3 alternative academic qualifications (AAQs) and level 3 technical qualifications on 10 February 2023
  • level 2 technical qualifications on 5 June 2023

Cycle 2 registrations

The window to tell us that you intend to submit qualifications as part of cycle 2 closed for:

  • level 3 technical qualifications on 12 January 2024
  • level 2 technical qualifications on 23 February 2024
  • level 3 and level 2 non-technical qualifications on 26 January 2024

You also needed to submit a proposal for:

  • level 2 and level 3 additional specialist technical qualifications which are not on IfATEs predefined list
  • level 3 occupational progression qualifications
  • level 2 and level 3 employer proposed qualifications

If you have not registered an interest in an area in scope of cycle 2, you can still submit qualifications for funding approval before the submission windows close.

Having informationabout qualifications that you plan to submit in cycle 2 helps us to give you the best information, and to plan and process submissions.

Cycle 2 walk-through for T Level foundation qualifications

There was an opportunity to send us an outline of your high-level approach to meeting the qualification type funding approval criteria for T Level foundation qualifications, and talk through your approach with us, before you submit your qualification for funding approval in October 2024. T Level foundation qualifications are a new type of qualification, and this may mean they are quite different from existing or other qualifications.

We call this voluntary process the walk-through. The window for you to submit walk-through materials closed on 29 February 2024.

If you participated in the walk-through, we will provide feedback in April 2024 if there is a risk that you may not meet one or more of the funding approval criteria.

While the walk-through stage takes place, you should continue developing your qualifications, so you are ready to submit your full qualifications by the deadline of 4 October 2024.

Stage 3: awarding organisation submits qualification for funding approval

The windows to submit qualifications in scope of cycle 1 have now closed. Awarding organisations were able to submit level 3 AAQs and level 3 technical qualifications in scope for cycle 1 until 31 July 2023.

Awarding organisations were able to submit level 2 technical qualifications in scope of cycle 1 until 24 November 2023.

In cycle 2, there are several windows to submit qualifications for:

  • level 3 qualifications in scope of cycle 2
  • level 2 qualifications in scope of cycle 2, including T Level foundation qualifications

Cycle 2

You need to submit all your level 3 qualifications in scope of cycle 2 between 10 June 2024 and 5pm on 21 June 2024.

Level 3 qualifications include:

  • small and large AAQs
  • level 3 technical qualifications

You need to submit all your level 2 qualifications in scope of cycle 2 between 23 September 2024 and 5pm on 4 October 2024.

Level 2 qualifications include:

  • progression qualifications (technical and academic)
  • T Level foundation qualifications
  • level 2 technical qualifications

We will not accept submissions outside the submission windows listed above. If you think it is not reasonably practicable to meet the submission deadline due to:

  • technical failure (either with your systems or DfE systems)
  • exceptional circumstances (for example, a natural disaster)

you should communicate this at the time of the event, with evidence. We will review this evidence to consider if your submission will be accepted after the deadline.

Check your Ofqual scope of recognition

Before submitting your qualification for funding approval:

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