
How we will review qualifications

Department For Education

September 20
12:46 2024

We will take a download of data from Ofquals Register of Regulated Qualifications on the second to last Tuesday in the month before the funding approval cycle scheduled for the following month.

During the moratorium, we will only review the following on a termly basis:

  • qualifications submitted as exemptions at level 3 or below in the offers for 16 to 19, ESFA funded adult education budget (including local flexibility and the statutory entitlements), loans and level 3 free courses for jobs
  • qualifications we approve for loans from level 4 to level 6
  • qualifications at level 4 to level 6 that you ask us to consider approving for 16 to 19
  • qualifications approved for 14 to 16
  • English and maths stepping stones qualifications requests

The table shows the deadline for each termly review, up to and including June 2025.

The deadline for updated stepping stones forms and Level 4 to 6 notification forms, level 3 free courses for jobs applications and moratorium exemption forms is 5pm on the dates stated.

Funding approval cycle Deadline for all reviews Date of download
Autumn: November 2024 21 October 2024 22 October 2024
Spring: February 2025 17 February 2025 18 February 2025
Summer: June 2025 19 May 2024 20 May 2024

Urgent funding approval

In exceptional circumstances, you may need urgent funding approval for the next academic year after our summer funding approval cycle deadline has passed.

To request urgent funding approval, email Include all relevant:

  • applications
  • forms
  • supporting documents

Explain why the funding approval:

  • is urgent
  • could not take place during our termly funding approval cycles

We will consider this on a case-by-case basis. We only expect to grant approval in extremely rare circumstances.

Stage 1: Download qualification data from Ofqual

We use information recorded in Ofquals Register of Regulated Qualifications to approve qualifications for funding.

You must make sure that you have correctly completed all the necessary fields in Ofquals register, which we will need to review your qualification.

The table describes the information in the register that we will need to review qualification and to set a funding value. You must correctly complete all the necessary fields.

You must also send us the correct completed form for:

  • qualifications submitted as moratorium exemptions
  • qualifications which are updated English and maths stepping stones
  • qualifications submitted to be part of advanced learner loans
  • level 4 to 6 qualifications
  • qualifications submitted to be part of the level 3 free courses for jobs offer
Information required 14 to 16 16 to 19 Statutory entitlements AEB local flexibility at level 2 and below Advanced learner loans
Qualification reference number Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Qualification title Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Qualification level Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Offered in England Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Funding in England Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Age Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Link to qualification specification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Awarding organisation name Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Qualification type Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sector subject area tier 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Operational start date Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Operational end date Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Certification end date Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Guided learning hours (GLH) - - Yes Yes Yes
Level 4 to 6 notification form - Yes[footnote 1] - - Yes
Updated stepping stones qualification form - - Yes[footnote 2] - -

Stage 2: Identify qualifications for review

Each termly funding approval cycle, we will identify:

  • new qualifications that have become regulated since our last termly download, that are automatically approved
  • currently funded qualifications where the attributes have been changed on the Ofqual register
  • qualifications for the 14 to 16 and post-16 offers, including those that you have asked us to review by submitting a form
  • qualifications that you have asked us to review again, on a termly basis read managing changes which you make to qualifications already approved for funding

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