
Managing changes to approved qualifications

Department For Education

September 20
12:46 2024

Why and how we make changes, and how you can ask us to consider approving a qualification for funding again.


We manage offers termly. This enables us to reflect any changes to currently funded qualifications as quickly as possible.

Changes to key data fields

We will assume that you no longer want funding approval for a qualification, if you make any of the following changes to data fields for that qualification in Ofquals Register of Regulated Qualifications:

  • offered in England from Yes (ticked) to No (unticked)
  • age group from Yes (ticked) to No (unticked), where No makes the qualification out of scope for the relevant qualification offer
  • qualification level from its current value to a value that is out of scope for the relevant qualification offer

We will change the qualifications funding approval end date and last date for new starts (LDNS) to be the next date of publication of:

We will continue monitoring for changes in these data fields during the funding approval moratorium.

If you change any of these fields from No (unticked) to Yes (ticked) for a particular qualification, we will not automatically approve it for funding. You can only ask us to review a qualification again if it is not affected by the funding approval moratorium from 1 September 2020.

Withdrawing qualifications

If we find evidence that a qualification no longer meets our approval principles, we will change its funding approval end date and LDNS to be the next date of publication of:

  • the list of qualifications approved for funding
  • Find a Learning Aim

We will tell you why we are withdrawing our approval. You can ask us to review our decision again. This process does not apply to qualifications that we will remove funding approval from as part of the qualifications reviews.

You can find a list of planned updates to Find a learning aim in the data collection maintenance schedule.

Operational end date changes

We monitor Ofquals Register of Regulated Qualifications for any changes you may make to the operational end dates for qualifications we have approved for funding.

We do this so we can tell ESFA funded providers about changes to the approval and LDNS.

To make sure students are not disadvantaged, you should:

  • change operational and certification end dates in Ofquals Register of Regulated Qualifications far enough in advance to give students and providers plenty of notice
  • avoid setting and then changing operational end dates

Where we find you are setting or changing operational end dates frequently for a qualification or suite of qualifications, we may contact you to understand why you are doing this before we make any changes to our systems.

If you change the operational end date to happen before 31 July 2025, we will amend the qualifications funding approval end date and LDNS to be the same as its new operational end date. This will happen:

  • termly for the list of qualifications approved for funding
  • every 2 weeks, as appropriate, for Find a learning aim

It is a regulatory requirement that you inform Ofqual about any proposed withdrawal and replacement of qualification before you inform centres. You must ensure you tell your centres when you are withdrawing a qualification and give them details of any qualification that may replace it.

If you set the operational end date for a qualification to be in the past, we will change its funding approval end date and LDNS to be the publication date of:

  • the list of qualifications approved for funding
  • Find a learning aim

If a qualification was not rolled over into the 2024 to 2025 offer because it had an operational end date before 1 August 2024, and you subsequently change that operational date, we will not then include the qualification in the 2024 to 2025 offer.

When a qualification reaches its approval end date in all our funded offers, we will move that qualification to the archive list on the list of qualifications approved for funding.

If a student is registered on a qualification on or before its funding approval end date, they can complete their qualification up to the certification end date, or funding validity end date.

Operational start date changes and funding approval and funding validity start dates

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