Department For Education
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This section explains the funding approval criteria that will be used for technical qualifications.
Technical qualifications are called technical occupation qualifications in Ofqual regulations.
For information on alternative academic qualifications please see Qualification-type funding approval criteria: alternative academic qualifications.
There are certain qualifications that will not need to meet qualification-type funding approval criteria:
- AS and A levels
- access to HE diplomas
- advanced extension awards
- core maths qualifications
- extended project qualifications
- International Baccalaureate diploma
- performing arts graded examination at level 3
- technical qualifications in T Levels
- higher project qualifications
- performing arts graded examinations
- English and maths functional skills qualifications
The qualification must be approved as a technical qualification, that is, categorised as one of the following:
- occupational entry
- additional specialist
You can find more information on the qualification criteria to be approved as technical qualifications under the technical qualification categories.
We do not expect to approve for funding more than one occupational entry qualification per awarding organisation against each occupational standard.
The technical qualification must have a sector subject area (SSA) assigned that map to the occupational routes.
Spring 2025 funding approval window
The following SSAs have been mapped to occupational routes, for level 3 technical qualifications, in this funding window.
Construction and the built environment:
- building and construction
- urban, rural and regional planning
- digital technology (practitioners?)
- digital technology (users)
Education and early years:
- child development and wellbeing
- teaching and lecturing
- direct learning support
Health and science:
- medicine and dentistry
- nursing and subjects and vocations allied to medicine
- science
- sports leisure and recreation
- health and social care
Care services:
- child development and well being
- health and social care
Some qualifications will be approved for funding where they are linked to occupational regulation or licence to practice.
This includes qualifications in a sector or occupational area where:
- it is a legal requirement for all practitioners to obtain a licence from the relevant state-recognised regulatory body and the qualification supports this
- practitioners are required to register and be recognised by a professional body and the qualification supports this
- there is a requirement to demonstrate competence against a code of practice and the qualification supports this
- there are mandatory requirements for an occupation (or for specific activities within that occupation) and the qualification supports this
To be approved for funding, qualifications either linked to occupational regulation, or licence to practice, must involve training and not just assessment.
Public funding will not cover the:
- costs of the acquisition of the licence
- renewal of any licence
- fees for membership of professional bodies