
Government re-launch THINK! campaign in continued drive to improve road safety

Department For Transport

August 2
23:01 2023

  • relaunch of the Travel Like You Know Them campaign to help keep everyone safe on the road
  • campaign reminds all road users of the Highway Code changes which came into effect last year
  • while Britains roads are some of the safest in the world, the government continues to invest in improving road safety

A government campaign has re-launched today (3 August 2023) helping to improve road safety for all by reminding people to Travel Like You Know Them.

The relaunch of the THINK! campaign offers a snapshot into the lives of others, aiming to help people see beyond the mode of transport and improve understanding of how others see and use the road.

The campaign speaks to everyone who uses the road, with an emphasis on those who have a greater responsibility to reduce the risk they may pose to others.

The Highway Code was changed in 2022, following extensive consultation with walking, cycling and disability groups on the proposed changes in 2020.

People are again being encouraged to:

  • give priority at junctions to people cycling straight ahead and people waiting to cross or already crossing the road
  • pass horse riders at under 10mph and allow at least 2 metres of space and keep to a low speed when passing people walking on the road
  • leave at least 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists at speeds of up to 30mph, and give them more space when overtaking at higher speeds
  • remember that people cycling may ride 2 abreast or in the centre of the lane if it is safer to do so, pulling in when safe to allow vehicles to overtake

Roads Minister, Richard Holden said:

We have some of the safest roads in the world and will continue to strive to improve road safety for all users.

It is fantastic that the Travel Like You Know Them campaign is back to continue to raise awareness of these important changes and to change behaviour on our roads to help keep those more at risk safe.

The campaign relaunch comes following the government injecting another 47.5 million of safer roads funding in April, so that local authorities with some of the most dangerous local roads across England have the support they need to keep everyone safe. To date, the Safer Road Fund has provided 147.5 million to local authorities for schemes to improve local A roads. With sophisticated mapping now available, the government is able to estimate that the work funded by the Safer Road Fund will save around 1,450 people from being killed or seriously injured on our roads over the next 20 years.

Sarah Mitchell, Cycling UK chief executive said:

The Travel Like You Know Them campaign challenges the false binaries that people are either motorists, cyclists or pedestrians, when the reality is most of us are a combination of all 3.

It breaks down tribal mentality that can stoke tension on our roads, making them more dangerous for us all. It should be applauded and Cycling UK is pleased to see government continue to highlight the important Highway Code changes designed to make cycling and walking safer.

RAC head of policy Simon Williams said:

Drivers, cyclists, pedestrians whatever labels we use, at the end of the day were all humans getting from A to B and this campaign reminds us all, in a very personal way, of the responsibilities we have for looking after each other. Every casualty on our roads is one too many and we hope all road users take the time to remind themselves of what they should be doing differently following last years major changes to the Highway Code.

Antony Kildare, Chief Executive at IAM RoadSmart, said:

Since the new Highway Code changes were rolled out, there has been further need of an educational campaign to ensure the amendments are disseminated and fully adopted by the millions of existing drivers, motorcyclists and other road users.

As a road safety charity, IAM RoadSmart believes a relaunch of the Travel Like You Know Them campaign that encourages motorists to think of others, and that aims to influence behavioural change may prevent people from taking unnecessary and uniformed risks.

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