
Statistical data set: Bus statistics data tables

Department For Transport

September 12
08:30 2024

A full list of tables can be found in the table index.


Finalised data on government support for buses was not available when these statistics were originally published (30 November 2023). The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), formerly known as the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, have since published that data so the following tables have been revised to include this newly available data:

  • BUS04i and BUS04ii, covering costs, fares and revenue
  • BUS05i and BUS05ii, covering government support
  • BUS08, covering concessionary travel

Quarterly bus fares statistics

BUS0415: Local bus fares index by metropolitan area status and country, quarterly: Great Britain (ODS, 34.1 KB)

Local bus passenger journeys (BUS01)

This spreadsheet includes breakdowns by country, region, metropolitan area status, urban-rural classification and Local Authority. It also includes data per head of population, and concessionary journeys.

BUS01: Local bus passenger journeys (ODS, 145 KB)

Limited historic data is available

Local bus vehicle distance travelled (BUS02)

These spreadsheets include breakdowns by country, region, metropolitan area status, urban-rural classification and Local Authority, as well as by service type. Vehicle distance travelled is a measure of levels of service provision.

BUS02_mi: Vehicle distance travelled (miles) (ODS, 116 KB)

BUS02_km: Vehicle distance travelled (kilometres) (ODS, 114 KB)

Limited historic data is available

Passenger distance travelled (BUS03)

This spreadsheet includes breakdowns by country and metropolitan area status, as well as average occupancy data.

BUS03: Passenger distance travelled (miles and kilometres) (ODS, 41.6 KB)

Limited historic data is available

Costs, fares and revenue (BUS04)

These spreadsheets include breakdowns by country and metropolitan area status, as well as revenue and costs per passenger journey and vehicle mile/kilometre.

BUS04i: Costs, fares and revenue in current prices (ODS, 39.4 KB)

BUS04ii: Costs, fares and revenue in constant prices (ODS, 38.3 KB)

Government support for the bus industry and concessionary travel (England) (BUS05)

These spreadsheets contain data on funding support provided by central and local government to the bus sector, including for concessionary travel and subsidised (tendered) services.

BUS05i: Government support and concessionary travel in current prices (ODS, 65.1 KB)

BUS05ii: Government support and concessionary travel in constant prices (ODS, 85.2 KB)

Vehicles operated by local bus operators (BUS06)

This spreadsheet includes number of buses operated, percentage of buses fitted with various accessibility features and type of equipment, as well as the fuel type, emissions standards, and age of the bus fleet in operation.

BUS06: Vehicles operated by local bus operators (ODS, 44.7 KB)

Limited historic data is available

Staff employed by local bus operators (BUS07)

This spreadsheet includes weekly earnings, hours worked, and the number of staff employed across the bus industry.

BUS07: Staff employed by local bus operators (ODS, 24.4 KB)

Limited historic data is available

Concessionary travel (BUS08)

These spreadsheets include breakdowns by metropolitan area status and travel concession authority in England. They include metrics on concessionary passes and journeys, expenditure and reimbursement, as well as details on policies for the upcoming year.

BUS08: Measures of concessionary bus travel by Travel Concession Authority (TCA) and metropolitan area status (ODS, 325 KB)

BUS08_policy: Policies on concessionary bus travel by Travel Concession Authority (TCA) (ODS, 24.6 KB)

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