
Statistical data set: Road condition statistics: data tables (RDC)

Department For Transport

November 23
09:30 2023

Accessibility of tables

Alongside the publication of the annual road condition statistics, we have made changes to the format of the data tables to meet government accessibility standards.

If you have any feedback on the accessibility of our tables, please email us.

Condition of local authority managed roads (RDC01)

RDC0120: Local authority managed classified roads where maintenance should be considered, by LA in England (ODS, 45.7 KB)

RDC0121: Principal and non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered (categorised by red) by region in England (ODS, 13.1 KB)

RDC0122: Road Condition Indicator scores for surveyed local authority classified principal roads, by LA in England (ODS, 48.5 KB)

RDC0123: Road Condition Indicator scores for surveyed local authority classified principal roads, by region in England (ODS, 13.3 KB)

RDC0130: Percentage of unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered, by local authority in England (ODS, 24.7 KB)

RDC0131: Percentage of unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered, by region in England (ODS, 9 KB)

RDC0140: Skidding resistance of LA managed motorways and 'A' roads, in England: 3 year averages (ODS, 7.49 KB)

Condition of trunk roads (RDC02)

RDC0201: Surface condition of Highways England managed roads in England (ODS, 9.2 KB)

RDC0210: Skidding resistance of Highways England managed roads in England (ODS, 9.31 KB)

Road conditions: contextual information (RDC03)

RDC0301: Motor traffic vehicle miles by road class and type of vehicle in England (ODS, 16.4 KB)

RDC0310: Maintenance expenditure by road class in England (ODS, 11.6 KB)

RDC0320: Road lengths receiving maintenance treatment by road class and type of treatment in England (ODS, 11.5 KB)

RDC0321: Length of road network receiving maintenance treatment by road class and type of treatment, by Local Authority in England (ODS, 25.8 KB)

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Road condition statistics


Media enquiries 0300 7777 878

Published 10 January 2019
Last updated 23 November 2023 +show all updates
  1. Data tables updated for the year ending March 2023 road conditions report.

  2. Maintenance expenditure by road class in England data table (RDC0310) updated for the latest Transport Statistics Great Britain report.

  3. Data tables updated for the road condition report to March 2022.

  4. Data tables on maintenance expenditure by road class in England and principal and non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered updated for Transport Statistics Great Britain 2021 report. Data tables included in the report are usually updated during the year.

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