
Consultation outcome: Proposed changes to the availability of puberty blockers for under 18s

Department Of Health

December 11
13:20 2024

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On behalf of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Minister of Health for Northern Ireland, the department consulted with representative groups likely to be affected by the proposed order, as well as the independent Commission on Human Medicines for their expert view, in line with legislative requirements.

The consultation received responses from 51 of the 120 organisations to which the consultation was sent, resulting in a response rate of 42.5%.

This document summarises the responses (in order of the questions posed in the consultation) and the recommendations from the Commission on Human Medicines. It also provides the response from the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Minister of Health for Northern Ireland.

Ministers have decided to introduce an indefinite order. The Medicines (Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone Analogues) (Restrictions on Private Sales and Supplies) Order 2024 will come into force on 1 January 2025 as the current emergency order expires.

Original consultation


Proposal to make a permanent order to prevent new patients aged under 18 from beginning to take puberty blockers for the purposes of gender incongruence and/or gender dysphoria, under the care of private prescribers.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

This consultation ran for 7 weeks and was sent to representative groups of those likely to be affected by a potential order. This includes the royal colleges, professional bodies, regulators, academics and voluntary, community and social enterprises representing patients, prescribers, pharmacists and others.

On behalf of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Minister of Health for Northern Ireland, the department consulted with representative groups and the independent Commission on Human Medicines for their expert view, in line with legislative requirements. This consultation also builds on the extensive consultation undertaken for the Cass Review and previous NHS England consultations. As such the questions focus on the impact of the proposed permanent order, and the benefits and risks of making such an order permanent.

The limited impact assessment published with theMedicines (Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone Analogues) (Emergency Prohibition) (Extension) (No.2) Order 2024 was shared as part of the targeted consultation. This emergency order came into force on 27 November 2024 and will expire on 31 December 2024.

A Welsh language version of the consultation document is available on request from


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