District Valuer Services Dvs
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DVS provides property valuation services including for financial accounting and housing revenue purposes, acquisition/disposal advice, compulsory purchase and general valuation advice.
We work closely with local authorities providing independent viability appraisals for site assessments where Affordable Housing and s106 contributions are in dispute. We only undertake work for Public Bodies and so provide completely independent advice, to ensure appropriate and fair contributions are made, where Developers are seeking to vary from fully Planning Compliant housing schemes.
Our services
- Asset Valuations under IFRS and CIPFA rules
- Valuations for acquisition, sale or to satisfy s123 Certification purposes
- Independent Development Viability Appraisals
- Negotiating affordable housing mixes, values and commuted sum payments
- Section 106 agreements and issues (Section 75 Scotland)
- Apportionment of proceeds between development partners
- Planning Appeals
- Overage, escalator and claw back expertise
- Property market analysis and reports
- Residential Portfolio reviews and stock valuations
- Landlord and tenant (leases, renewals, rent reviews and dilapidations)
- Compulsory purchase and compensation
- Expert Witness Lands Tribunal
- Acquisitions and Disposals
- Insurance Valuations
- Building surveys, condition surveys, dilapidation reports and building cost estimates
Ellen Atki - Head of Local and Devolved Government
Enquiries in Scotland: Alastair Watson - Head of Valuation Services - Scotland
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