
14. Test wordings

Driver Vehicle Standards Agency

December 5
12:00 2024

class="gem-c-govspeak govuk-govspeak govuk-!-margin-bottom-0">


Good morning/afternoon Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms . May I see your driving licence (and ifrequired: also your TT pass certificate please).

Would you read and sign this insurance and residency declaration please?

Continue to email confirmation page.

Can you confirm your name is correct?

Is this the email you would like your test summary sent to?

Would you like your instructor/accompanying driver to accompany you on test? (Thismust be marked as accompanied on the app)

Note: Observer on Test wordings apply to Category B tests only.

Thank you, lead the way to your car please.

In an effort to create a more relaxed and informal atmosphere during the test,examiners are encouraged to introduce themselves and use the candidates firstname, provided there is no objection.

As self-introduction works best when it is spontaneous the examiner should decidewhether to do it on the way to the car or wait until seated inside it. Examiners areencouraged to use a form of words that suits their own style and personality. Thefollowing example is for guidance only:

My name is. what would you prefer me to call you?


A pre-test brief should be offered. This can be given during the walk to the car, or, ifthe distance is short, in the car. This should outline what will happen during the drive,for example:

Would you like me to explain about the test?

The test will include independent driving, various roads, and traffic conditions. I willask you to complete one manoeuvre and we may carry out an emergency stop. Thesort of things you have been practising with your instructor/accompanying driver.

Which car are you using?

Will you read the number of . car.

I would like to ask you two safety questions about your vehicle, the second questionwill be a show me question on the move, please make yourself comfortable in thecar and I will join you in a moment.

Please do not start the engine.

General directions

Throughout the drive continue ahead, unless traffic signs direct you otherwise, WhenI want you to turn left or right, I will tell you in plenty of time. Move off when you areready, please.

Move off when you are ready, please.

Take the next road on the left/right, please.

Will you take the second road on the left/right, please. (If necessary, add this is thefirst.)

At the end of the road turn left/right, please.

At the roundabout turn left please (it is the first exit).

At the roundabout follow the road ahead (it is the second exit).

At the roundabout turn right please (it is the third exit).

(Additional information should be given if necessary to assist the driver to plan theirroute through the hazard. Examples are in brackets above).

Normal stops

Pull up on the left at a safe place, please

Designated /Hill

Pull up along here, just before. please.

Angle start

Pull up on the left just before you get to the next parked car, please. (If necessary,add, leave enough room to move away.)

Independent drive section

Satnav directions

Now I would like you to drive independently, following the directions from the Satnav until I tell you otherwise. Please dont rely on the speeds shown on the Satnav, as they may not be accurate. Drive on when you are ready.

Traffic signs

Pull up on the left please (either specify location or use normal stop wordings). Now Iwould like you to drive independently following the traffic signs for ., continue tofollow the signs until I tell you otherwise.

Drive on when you are ready.

Note: If using more than one destination sign, there is no need to pull up to change the destination.

Thank you, thats the end of the independent driving. I will direct you from now on.

Emergency stop

Pull up on the left please (either specify location or use normal stop wordings)Shortly I shall ask you to carry out an emergency stop. When I give this signal,(simultaneously demonstrate, and say) Stop, Id like you to stop as quickly and assafely as possible. Before giving the signal, I shall look round to make sure it is safe,but please wait for my signal before doing the exercise.

Do you understand the instructions?

Thank you. I will not ask you to do that exercise again. Drive on when you are ready.

Reverse right

Pull up on the right.

Pull up on the right when it is safe to do so, please.

I would now like you to reverse for about two car lengths, keeping reasonably closeto the kerb.

Reverse parking

Would you pull up on the left well before you get to the next parked car, please. Thisis the reverse parking exercise. Would you drive forward and stop alongside the carahead. Then reverse in and park reasonably close to and parallel with the kerb. Tryto complete the exercise within about two car lengths.

Reverse Parking - car park

This can be carried out at the beginning or the end of the test.

Beginning of the test

Would you pull forward either to the left or the right so that your wheels are straight,then reverse into a convenient parking bay. Finish within one of the bays.

End of the test

I should like you to reverse park in the car park. Drive forward into the car park, thenreverse into a convenient parking bay. Finish within one of the bays.

Forward Park

I would like you to drive forward into a convenient parking bay finishing within thelines, either to the left or the right (if car park allows).

Now I would like to reverse out either to the left or the right. (Direct candidate ifarrows indicate a one-way system in the car park).

(Tractor and specialist vehicle tests categories F, G, H & K only)

Please switch off the engine - now I should like to ask you a few questions on the Highway Code and other motoring matters and for you to identify some traffic signs for me.

End of the test pass

Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my test report.

Would you like your instructor/accompanying driver to listen to the result anddebrief?

Note: The debrief box should only be marked if the accompanying driver is present for the debrief.

Thats the end of the test and Im pleased to say youve passed. Now that you will bedriving on your own, Id like you to be aware of/that..Feedback as appropriate:

May I see your driving licence again please? Would you like your full licence sent toyou automatically? If yes: I will need to keep your old licence and your new licencewill be sent to the address on this licence, can you confirm that it is your correctaddress?

(If the candidate declines - inform them that the pass certificate only lasts for 2 yearstherefore they should apply for their full licence as soon as possible).

Please read the health dec

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