All drivers who drive in scope of the EU/AETR drivers hours rules need to comply with the sector specific working time rules, which have the same rest requirements as the EU drivers hours rules. Therefore, a driver who drives vehicles in scope of the GB rules on some days/weeks must always comply with EU rest requirements unless they are classed as an occasional mobile worker. For more information see annex 2.
Drivers who are occasional mobile workers only need to comply with EU/AETR daily rest requirements on days when they drive under EU/AETR rules. An EU/AETR weekly rest period must also be taken. So where a driver who is an occasional mobile worker works under EU/AETR rules in one week and under GB domestic rules the next week (or vice versa), they must take either an EU/AETR regular or a reduced weekly rest in the week in which the EU/AETR regulated driving takes place. If a reduced weekly rest is taken, compensation will be required by the end of the third week following the week in which the reduced weekly rest is taken.
As it is not permitted to work more than 6 x 24-hour periods (including any non-EU/AETR regulated work) between weekly rest periods, drivers who are occasional mobile workers must take an EU/AETR compliant weekly rest period prior to undertaking any EU/AETR regulated work where any previous non-EU/AETR regulated work means the 6 x 24-hour periods would be exceeded.
Where a driver who is an occasional mobile worker takes an EU/AETR compliant weekly rest period at least once in any two consecutive weeks, this weekly rest period will also satisfy the requirement to take a 24-hour rest period once a fortnight under the GB domestic rules. If no EU/AETR weekly rest period is required in any two consecutive weeks but GB domestic driving takes place, one 24-hour rest period must be taken during those weeks to satisfy the GB domestic weekly rest rule.