
8. Candidates with a disability, health condition or learning difficulty

Driver Vehicle Standards Agency

February 13
11:13 2025

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In common with other applicants for driving licences, those who are physically disabled have to take a test of competence to drive. The test requirements are generally the same as for non-disabled candidates, and the same test documents are used. In addition, the examiner must complete a report on form D255.

Where a candidate has a disability or special need, examiners should, wherever possible, adapt their approach to accommodate the candidate and accept any coping strategies used, providing the test is not undermined.

If the examiner notices during the test that the candidate may suffer from some restriction of movement which could be classed as a disability, make discreet enquiries at an appropriate opportunity.

In the case of physically disabled persons, examiners should:

  • enquire about any adaptation(s) fitted to the vehicle
  • ask how they operate in relation to the disability

This information should be recorded in detail in the appropriate box on the Digital Test Report and the D255.

8.02 Restrictions

The only cases where a restriction, other than the appropriate category letter, may be indicated on a pass certificate are those of candidates with a physical disability, which affects their ability to drive. Restrictions must not be related to a specific make of vehicle or machine, or to horse-power, cubic capacity, or un-laden weight.

8.03 Time allocated for test

More than one test period is normally allocated for an L test for a disabled person because of the extra documentation involved. Extra time can be allowed for candidates who are deaf without speech or who have declared a severe degree of deafness.

If a candidate in one of these categories fails to declare their disability when applying for the test, only one period will have been allowed. The test should, however, be conducted, the documentation being left for completion later in the day if necessary.

8.04 Independent drive section

Where a disability or special need is declared or is apparent, and providing the test is not undermined, examiners should, wherever possible, adapt their approach to accommodate the candidate and acknowledge any coping strategies used. Please see the chapter on General Matters, Independent Drive Section for full explanation.

8.05 Successful candidates

If the examiner is satisfied that the candidate is competent to drive all un-adapted vehicles in the category on which they were tested, and in any additional categories covered, a normal pass certificate for the category should be issued.

If the examiner considers that the candidate can drive un-adapted vehicles only of the category on which they were tested, but not the additional categories covered, then the pass certificate should be issued for that category (for example category B) and the D255 should indicate that the candidate should be restricted to category B vehicles.

If the examiner considers the candidate can drive only a vehicle with suitable adaptations, this should be indicated on the pass certificate. The appropriate restriction code (listed below) should be entered on the DVSA10.

8.06 Guidance to unsuccessful candidates

Generally, the candidate should be given the result of the test, and be given an oral explanation of faults in the usual way. The examiner should not make any remarks, or enter into any discussion, about the candidates licensing entitlement. However, if the examiner thinks some, or further, adaptation of the vehicle might enable the candidate to pass the test, they may give a general indication to that effect.

If a candidate asks for advice as to the precise manner in which they should adapt the vehicle, they should be referred to The Forum of Mobility Centres.


8.07 Licence restriction codes


10 Modified transmission:

  • automatic selection of gear ratio
  • adapted transmission control device (e.g., a button selector for moving up and down the gear range)

Note: Code 10 should be applied rather than code 78 when the driver needs automatic selection of gear ratio/modified transmission. Code 78 would be applied as an administrative code if the driver simply passed their test in an automatic rather than in a manual car.

15 Modified clutch:

  • adapted clutch, for example, a hand lever on the gearstick

20 Modified br

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