
Guidance: Controls of fish and shellfish diseases in England and Wales

Environment Agency

November 20
11:36 2023

Disease status of fish, shellfish and crustacea in England and Wales

Great Britain has a high health status for fish, mollusc, and crustacean diseases. The listed diseases are in Commission Regulation (EC) 1251/2008 as amended by the Animals, Aquatic Animal Health, Invasive Alien Species, Plant Propagating Material and Seeds (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 and in Annex 1A and Schedule 1 of The Aquatic Animal Health (England and Wales) Regulations 2009.

For the disease status for England and Wales or the latest reported confirmed outbreaks in England and Wales.

Listed fish and shellfish diseases

You must contact the Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) immediately if you know or suspect fish or shellfish:

  • are infected with a listed disease
  • are affected by an increased mortality

Reduce the spread of disease in fish and shellfish

You can help control the spread of disease if you:

  • follow rules for imports
  • perform regular health monitoring to spot disease early
  • contain outbreaks as quickly as possible
  • use good husbandry practice
  • follow rules when moving fish
  • put in place and follow a biosecurity measures plan. Information on Biosecurity Measures Plans, their importance, and why they are a requirement of Authorisation. Use this page to access standardised BMP modules. Biosecurity Measure Plans - Information and Templates - GOV.UK (
  • It is a condition of authorisation that mortalities must be recorded as agreed and stated in your approved Biosecurity Measures Plan (BMP). Mortalities can be recorded in a preferred format, but it must include the date, number of mortalities, species affected, zone (if your farm is divided into zones) and cause. Acceptable formats include daily diaries, spreadsheets, biosecurity logbooks. An example of an acceptable mortality log that can be downloaded and used can be found here: Mortality Record Sheet (PDF, 802 KB, 2 pages)

Control areas for notifiable disease outbreaks

If a listed disease is confirmed, FHI places controls to limit the spread of disease (these are known as Confirmed Designation Notices) and where required will take steps to eradicate the disease.

If your fish or shellfish are in an area under a control areas you must:

  • follow all conditions issued by FHI
  • get written permission from the FHI to move fish and/or shellfish and equipment (allow at least 5 working days)


Areas with controls in place to limit the spread of koi herpesvirus disease (KHV):



You can use an interactive map to view shellfish disease controls across Great Britain.

Alternatively below are individual maps of areas under our control for each disease:

Bonamia ostreae

Oyster herpesvirus

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