
Research: A review of England’s draft regional and water resources management plans

Environment Agency

October 25
09:40 2023


In England, our climate is changing, our population is growing, and as a nation we want an improved environment along with a thriving economy, enabled by resilient water supplies. Action is required now to meet these objectives.

Water companies and regional water resources groups have produced draft plans to address the need for secure, sustainable water supplies up to 2050.

This publication is the Environment Agencys review of these draft water resources management plans and regional plans. It highlights important successes and where improvements are required.

Published 22 June 2023
Last updated 25 October 2023 +show all updates
  1. Updated figure 3 to give clearer headings and added a note under the figure provide more detail about the data presented for 'Resource options (including new sources, drought options and other selected options)'.

  2. Replaced figure 2, as the original image contained an error.

  3. First published.

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