Environment Agency

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Storm Bert has caused significant river and surface water flooding in parts of England on Sunday, especially in the South West, the West Midlands, and the Calder and Weaver Valleys in the North of England.
Around 80 properties have so far are confirmed to have been flooded in England. So far, the Environment Agency estimates 23,000 properties have been protected.
Across the country Environment Agency officers are out checking flood defences, clearing debris and erecting temporary barriers. Minor impacts are possible more widely across England, which may continue in places until Tuesday.
Flooding Minister Emma Hardy said:
I am receiving regular updates on the response to flooding in parts of the country.
My sympathies are with all of those who have been impacted by Storm Bert.
I would like to thank the Environment Agency and emergency responders for their tireless work to protect communities.
I urge people to check their flood risk, sign up for flood warnings and follow the latest guidance from emergency responders.
Andrew Hitchings, Flood Duty Manager at the Environment Agency, said:
Environment Agency teams are out on the ground, taking action to reduce the impact of flooding and will support local authorities in their response.
We advise people to stay away from swollen rivers and urge people not to drive throughflood water as just 30cm of flowing water is enough to move your car.
People should check their flood risk, sign up for free flood warnings and keep up to date with the latest situation at by searching check my flood risk, and follow @EnvAgency on X for the latest flood updates.
Further information:
People can check their flood risk, sign up for free flood warnings and keep up to date with the latest situation?, and follow @EnvAgency on X for