
Financial Conduct Authority

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Press release: Reforms to Financial Services retail disclosure requirements

The Government and FCA announce plans to reform UK retail disclosure rules, and will temporarily exempt investment trusts from assimilated EU law requirements.

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Corporate report: Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Secondary International Competitiveness and Growth Objective Report 2023/24

This document was presented to Parliament pursuant to paragraph 26 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023.

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Consultation outcome: Value for Money: A framework on metrics, standards, and disclosures

This consultation seeks views on policy proposals to disclose, assess and compare the value for money of workplace pension schemes.

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Consultation outcome: Value for Money: A framework on metrics, standards, and disclosures

This consultation seeks views on policy proposals to disclose, assess and compare the value for money of workplace pension schemes.

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Guidance: Competition Act 1998 cases in the sectors regulated by UKCN members

Details of all cases from 1 April 2014 regulated by members of the UK Competition Network (UKCN).

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Guidance: Competition Act 1998 cases in the sectors regulated by UKCN members

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Details of all cases from 1 April 2014 regulated by members of the UK Competition Network (UKCN).

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Closed consultation: Cynllun Gwaith y Fforwm Cydweithredu ar Reoleiddio Digidol 2023 i 2024: Cais am fewnbwn

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Mae'r Cais am Fewnbwn hwn yn gwahodd barn rhanddeiliaid am faterion y dylai'r DRCF eu hystyried wrth iddo ddatblygu ei gynllun gwaith ar gyfer 2023 i 2024.

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Open consultation: Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) workplan 2023 to 2024: Call for input

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This call for input invites stakeholders for their views on about issues that the DRCF should take into consideration as it develops its plan of work for 2023 to 2024.

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Correspondence: Letter from the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum to the DCMS Secretary of State

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This letter sets out the response of the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) to a letter from the Rt Hon Nadine Dorries in which she set out the government’s priorities for the digital regulatory landscape and cross-cutting policy areas relevant to the DRCF’s work.

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Policy paper: Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum annual report 2021 to 2022

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The first annual report from the DRCF – a new form of collaboration between regulators, designed to address the future challenges of the digital world.

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Policy paper: Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum annual report 2021 to 2022

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The first annual report from the DRCF – a new form of collaboration between regulators, designed to address the future challenges of the digital world.

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Research: Findings from the DRCF Algorithmic Processing workstream Spring 2022

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Two discussion papers from the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) Algorithmic Processing workstream, on the benefits and harms of algorithms, and on the landscape of algorithmic auditing and the role of regulators, respectively.

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Policy paper: Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum workplan 2022 to 2023

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How we aim to deliver the next phase in cooperation across our work in digital markets and the DRCF focus areas and projects for 2022 to 2023.

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Policy paper: Joint statement by HM Treasury, the CMA, the FCA and the PSR on the future of Open Banking

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HM Treasury, the CMA, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) have published a joint statement which sets out their plan to establish a Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee to oversee the development of Open Banking beyond the scope of the CMA’s Open Banking remedies.

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