Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The Strategic Programme Fund (SPF) is the British Embassy Kabuls dedicated fund for supporting projects which further our priorities in Afghanistan. The fund will support projects implemented between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2017.
How to apply to the 2016-17 bidding round:
We are looking for relatively large-scale bids (preferably between 100,000-600,000) which can achieve an impact in one year. But we will exceptionally consider larger or smaller-scale bids, if they can still demonstrate that they can achieve an impact.
Project bids should fit with one or more of the following priority themes:
- Improving Governance;
- Civil Society and advocacy support;
- Countering Violent Extremism;
- Human Rights with a focus on supporting gender equality;
- Community building through sports.
Successful bidders will be expected to demonstrate:
- That the project proposal provides good value for money;
- That the project proposal has a clear, achievable impact, and responds to a local demand or need;
- That their organisation has the capacity to deliver the project to a high standard;
- How the project helps build Afghan capacity (International NGOs/companies should aim to partner with a local Afghan counterpart where feasible);
- That the impact of the project will be sustainable beyond the end of the funding period (i.e. 31 March 2017);
- That they have carefully considered all risks and have proposed suitable mitigation methods.Before bidding please familiarise yourself with the following key documents at
- Guidance for implementers
- Project concept note form
- Standard grant contract
NB Bids for projects in Afghanistans provinces will be given a higher priority.
To apply, you should:
- Read all the documents and requirements
- Complete the project concept note form and submit your proposal to ( by 1 March 2016.
Implementers who have been successful at the initial concept note stage will be contacted by the British Embassy and invited to submit a full proposal by 20 March 2016.
Implementers whose proposals are awarded funding will be notified by April 2016, with an expectation that activity could begin shortly afterwards, and end by 31 March 2017.