Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Every year, thousands of British nationals attend the Lost & Found festival in Malta. Whilst the vast majority of festival goers have a great time with no problems, those that do require assistance, are mainly due to lost/stolen passport or arrests. The last thing you want to deal with is missing out on the festival due to a day at the High Commission having an Emergency Travel Document applied for, or spending time at a police station or in a cell. Drug penalties in Malta are severe.
Before you set off, do these six simple things:
Get travel insurance ad check what it covers. Leave a copy with family in the UK Leave a photocopy of your passport with family in the UK Fill in the back page of your passport with an emergency contact Check our travel advice here Follow us on Twitter @UKinMalta Like our facebook page -
When you arrive, make sure you:
Carry a photocopy of your passport with you and leave your original safely locked away Have one of your debit/credit cards and some cash separate from the rest Be extra careful in large crowds, keep your cash in a zipped pocket or bag Look after yourself and your friends Follow the instructions of the event organisers and the Maltese Police whenever necessary
After its over, be extra vigilant:
Bear in mind you may be tired, which makes you more vulnerable Dont fall asleep in a public area with valuables on you
If something goes wrong:
Our consular section is available to offer help and support if you have been hospitalised, arrested or are a victim of crime. You can call us on +356 23230000 if you require help, advice or have lost your passport and need an Emergency Travel Document to get home.