Foreign and Commonwealth Office

On Wednesday 28 September the Joint Investigation Team, which comprises investigators from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine, announced the first results of its criminal inquiry into the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 in July 2014. This follows a technical investigation by the Dutch Safety Board in 2015, which concluded that the aircraft was brought down by a Russian-made Buk missile system and indicated that the missile was launched from separatist-held territory.
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:
Todays progress in the investigation is an important step towards securing justice for the 298 people who lost their lives and for their families and friends who continue to deal with this awful tragedy.
The investigation is essential to ensure that those responsible face prosecution and to deliver accountability. Todays initial criminal report offers clear evidence that the missile was Russian-made, and launched from within territory held by Russian-backed separatist groups. We ask that Russia now engages constructively with the findings and ongoing investigation.
It is important that investigations to confirm the motivation for the attack, the identity of possible perpetrators and the chain of command reach a conclusion. The UK will continue to offer full support to the investigation and we urge all states affected by this tragedy to do the same. Alongside this, we will keep doing all we can to support the relatives of the ten British nationals who lost their lives.