Foreign and Commonwealth Office

The members of the Troika (United States, United Kingdom, and Norway) are deeply disappointed by Riek Machars continued failure to return to South Sudans capital Juba to form the Transitional Government of National Unity. This represents a wilful decision by him not to abide by his commitments to implement the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.
We congratulate the government for demonstrating maximum flexibility for the sake of peace by agreeing to the compromise proposal on the return of security forces proposed by regional and international partners and mediated by the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission. It remains important that the government fully withdraws its troops from Juba as called for in the peace agreement. We also welcome the oppositions support for the compromise proposal and demand that Machar abide by this commitment and return to Juba by 23 April.
Machars failure to go to Juba, despite efforts from the international community to support his return, places the people of South Sudan at risk of further conflict and suffering and undermines the peace agreements reform pillars - demilitarizing South Sudan, injecting transparency of public finances, and pursuing justice and reconciliation - that offer South Sudan a chance for renewal.
We will pursue appropriate measures against anyone who further frustrates implementation of the peace agreement.