
Guidance: Preparing a safety case report

Health Safety Executive

April 2
08:13 2024

The purpose of a safety case report

As the principal accountable person, you must prepare and update the safety case report.

The safety case report is a document that summarises the safety case for a high-rise residential building. It identifies the buildings safety risks and explains how the risks are being managed. Building safety risks are the risk of the spread of fire or structural failure.

When to prepare the report

From 1 October 2023 you should prepare a safety case report as soon as possible when:

  • the building is already occupied or becomes occupied
  • you become the principal accountable person

Building assessment certificate

When you apply for your building assessment certificate you must submit a copy of your safety case report to the Building Safety Regulator (BSR). Well ask you to apply for the certificate, you will not be able to apply before you are asked to do so.

Your report must contain

Details of the accountable persons

Provide information about each accountable person, including their:

  • name
  • email address
  • telephone number
  • postal address in England or Wales

Responsible Persons

You should also provide the details of the Responsible Persons for the building, under the Fire Safety Order.

Who prepared the report

Provide the details of the individuals who prepared the report, such as:

  • their names
  • their job roles and the organisation they work for
  • how their skills, knowledge and experience make them suitable for working on the report
  • the parts of the report they are responsible for

Building description

Your report should include the building name, full postal address, and a photograph or map of where it is.

If your building is part of a wider development, describe it and any shared facilities briefly. Include a description of the nearby area including other buildings and transport routes.

If there is any missing building information, you should explain what action has been taken to find the missing information.

Risk assessments summary

Use the building risk assessments provided by each accountable person to put together:

  • a description of the types of risk assessment techniques used throughout the building
  • an overview of who did the assessment and their competence to do so
  • the significant findings of the assessments
  • a summary of any outstanding actions or recommendations and the plan to progress them

Managing risks summary

Use the information from each accountable person to provide a description of:

  • the measures in place to prevent and mitigate building safety risks for the whole building
  • how the measures work to prevent or mitigate risk
  • assessments that have been done which have identified building safety risks and what changes need to be made to mitigate the risks
  • conclusions from reports that have been done, for example, a structural inspection

Safety management system

Your safety case report should include a summary of the safety management systems in place for the whole building to manage building safety risks. This is essential to show how risks are being properly managed. To do this, use information from each accountable person about the management system they use in their parts of the building.

Planning for emergencies

In your safety case report describe the strategy for the building during an emergency. Explain why this approach has been chosen and how it works. For example, your building may be designed to support a stay put strategy and it works by relying on the controls in place, such as compartmentation.

If the strategy changes from what was originally intended, you should explain why and describe any additional measures in place to support the change.

Ongoing work and building improvement

While gathering information for your safety case report, you might find control measures that are missing or other issues, like ongoing building work, that affect the buildings safety.

Describe the work that needs to be done to resolve these issues, how it will be done and the timescale for completion. Describe any temporary measures that are in place to manage the risks in the meantime and the timescales to complete the work.

Updating your safety case report

You should update your safety case report, for example, when:

  • improvement work is carried out to manage building safety risks
  • work on the building impacts building safety risks

TellBSRwhen you update your safety case report

You must tellBSRas soon as possible if you update your safety case report to include:

  • new or increased building safety risks that have been identified
  • further measures taken to manage risks

BSRwill ask you for:

  • the date the update to the safety case report was made
  • a brief description of the update
  • the reason for making the update

BSRmay ask you to provide the updated safety case report. There is a charge you will need to pay ifBSRdecides to review the updated safety case report. This is set out in theBSRcharging schemeon theHSEwebsite.

Published 19 September 2023
Last updated 2 April 2024 +show all updates
  1. Information added about telling BSR if you've updated your safety case report.

  2. First published.

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